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  That night I laid in bed. Thoughts running through my head I couldn't get any sleep. Before I knew it the sun was shining through my window. I groaned covering my face with a pillow. As I felt myself slip into a deep sleep my phone rang. I groaned putting it on silent.
  "Anyone know what's wrong with Eliza?" Mrs. Taylor, Elizabeth's mom asked the family.
Her brother shook his head.
"She hasn't been out of her room yet." She sighed. "This isn't like her."
  I woke up to me rolling out of the bed.
  "Junior." She looked at her son. "Go talk to her, see what's bugging her."
  "Why me?" He complained.
  "Because you two are close." She crossed her arms.
  I was still laying there on the floor when the door opened.
  "Something is wrong with you." Junior said sitting down next to me. "What's wrong."
   I sat up leaning my head on his shoulder.
   "The guy I like- well I think I like has someone else already." I sighed.
   "Is it the guy I met the other day?" He asked.
  I nodded my head, sighing.
  "I never saw you like this." He said. "It worries me."
   "What do I do?" My eyes began to tear up.
   "Get over him." Junior answered.
   "If only it was that simple." I mumbled.
   "Your feelings for him are fresh." My brother stated. "You'll get over him in no time. How about I introduce you to some of my friends?"
  "Eww." I laughed.
  "Oh come on, I have one friend that loves art." Junior said.
   "Go on." I said as he got my attention.
  "He's looking for a job and I think he'd perfect for you." Junior added.
"I guess, I'll give him a chance." I smiled.
"Good because he's coming over." My brother said.
My eyes widened. I can't let his friend see me like this. I stood quickly.
"Get out I have to get ready." I said.
"Yeah yeah." Junior stood heading for the door. "You might wanna straighten up your room too."
"Get out!" I shouted.
I quickly hopped into the shower making sure I smelled like vanilla and honey. I fell in love with that combination years ago. Once I was done with the shower I got dressed and styled my hair.
   After I was done with me I started on my room. It was kinda messy. By the time I was done with my room, there was a knock at the door. I went downstairs shocking my parents.
   "What I can't look like shit when one of Junior's friends is coming over." I smiled tucking hair behind my ear.
   My mom just shook her head, turning back to what she was doing. The door opened and I immediately know that he wasn't human. He was one of them. A werewolf.
   The bracelet Elijah gave me started beeping. He looked at me than the bracelet. I knew that he knew. I smiled ignoring the bracelet. The beeping slowly stopped.
   "Eric this is my sister Elizabeth." Junior said. "The one I told you about."
  "The artist." He smiled.
  I nodded my head.
  "That's me." I smiled.
   "I would love to see some of your work." He said. "Also your brother said something about you owning an art studio where you teach art?"
  "Yes, I do." I nodded.
The day went by slowly. Eric and talked about art as he played on the PS4 with my brother.
   "Is Junior's name really Junior?" Eric whispered.
  "No." I answered. "He has the same name as our dad but Junior doesn't like it so he goes by Junior."
  "Makes sense." Eric nodded. "Can I get your number? I have to leave soon and I would love to get to know you some more."
   "Sure." I smiled.
  After exchanging numbers he stayed for a few before leaving. That's when I headed back to my room. I nearly screamed when I saw Eli laying on my bed.
   "How long have you been in here?" I asked closing my door.
    He held up my phone.
   "You would know if you had your phone on you." He sat up. "Tell me Elizabeth."
  Elijah got up and stalked towards me. I backed up until I was against the door.
   "Why have you been ignoring me." His face was inches away from mine.
  I knew he could hear my heart beating.
"I don't like how you smell like him." He growled.
  His growl sent chills down my back.

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