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I got my studio early to straighten it up. It was a lot to clean up. By the time I was done it was 10 A.M. I heard the bell on the door chime. I walked out into the front. Elijah was standing there looking around.
"Hi." I smiled widely. "I'm so happy you actually came."
"You thought I wasn't going to come?" He arched his brow.
"Yeah.." I mumbled.
"I'll always come if you ask me too." He smiled.
"You have a radiant smile." I said walking to him.
"Thank you. I think..?" He said not sure how to respond.
I giggled.
"You're not use to compliments are you?" I asked.
"No, not really." Elijah answered.
"Class starts at 10:30." I said. "Mind helping me set up?"
"Sure." He shrugged his shoulders.
Once we were done setting up. We were able to rest for a few.
"How long have you been an art teacher?" Elijah asked.
"Two almost three years." I replied.
"And you're twenty-two?" Elijah questioned.
"Mhm." I nodded my head.
The door bell chimed causing us to look over.
"Welcome." I smiled. "We'll start once I know everyone is here."
"Okay." They all said.
I watched them as they took there seats. I could hear their whispers about Elijah so I knew he could hear them too.
"I bet it's her boyfriend." One said.
I started choking on air after hearing that.
"Are you okay?" Elijah quickly asked rubbing my back. He leaned closer to me.
"Did what they say startle you?"
I looked at him to see him smirking.
"Miss. Taylor." Someone called out for me. "Are you two you know...dating?" They asked.
"No." I said.
"I thought we were?" Elijah crossed his arms.
I raised my brows at him.
"Can you stop." I slapped his arm playfully.
They rest of the class piled in.
"Okay class." I stood in front of them. "Today you will be drawing Mr. Elijah.."
"Wolf." He said.
"Mr. Elijah Wolf." I continued.
"So handsome." The girls in my class gushed.
"Thank you." He flashed them a smiled.
As they were drawing him I decided to grade their homework. Finishing up with the grading I stood walking around the class to check out their drawings. Seeing them drawing made me want to draw so I got my sketchbook and staring to sketch him out. From his sharp jawline to the veins in his arms. I got every last detail. I looked up to see him staring at me with lustful eyes. I stood clearing my throat.
  "How many of you are done?" I asked.
  "Me." I looked to see Megan's hand in the air.
  I made my way over to her. Her sketch of him was pretty good. It lacked some detail but it was good.
  "Not bad, Meg." I smiled. "Keep it up."
  One by one they all finished.
  "Tomorrow we will be going a little field trip." I smiled.
  "Do we have to pay?" A student asked. "My parents are struggling with money."
  "No it's completely free. I'm paying for everything." I answered.
  "Will Mr. Wolf be a company us?" Meg asked.
  "No." He said. "I'm actually busy tomorrow."
  I gave him a curious look.
  "Okay class is dismissed." I clapped my hands.  "See you all tomorrow. Wear sneakers."
I turned around facing Elijah.
"I would like it if you could come with but if you can't that fine." I smiled.
"Don't worry." He smirked. "I'll be watching over you princess."
His nickname for me made the butterflies in my stomach flutter. Before he left me alone he helped me out everything away. I stayed late planning for tomorrow.

How I Fell In Love With A Werewolf : A Werewolf Novel Where stories live. Discover now