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  I got home undressed, showered, got into some comfy clothes when I got a text from Elijah.
Eli: Can we meet up?
Eliza: Really? I just got comfortable in my bed...
Eli: Then I'll come to you
Eliza: Hold on, let me put on something decent
Eli: What are you wearing?
   I looked down at myself in a tank top with no bra on and booty shorts.
Eliza: Clothes...
Eli: Mhm
  My face heated up. I dressed in something more decent.
Eliza: Send me the location.
  "A park?" I mumbled to myself.
It wasn't a far drive but it was far enough for me to complain about being away from my bed.
  "What's so important that you called me out here." I complained.
  "I missed you." He smiled.
  I rolled my eyes.
  "You could've FaceTime me." I whined.
  "It's not the same as seeing you in person." He moved closer.
I backed up nervously. He grabbed my hand pulling me closer. He sniffed me. I gave him a confused look.
  "Have you came across another wolf?" He asked.
  "How did you..."
  "His scent is there but faint. Like he didn't approach you but he was close enough to you." Elijah said.
  I nodded my head.
  "Listen to me Eliza, stay away from wolves." He said, his eyes softened up.
  Elijah pulled out a watch and put it on my wrist.
  "This will beep if you come close to a werewolf." He sighed.
  "What's going on?" I asked him.
   "Now that they know about you they'll come looking for you." He sighed, frustratedly.
  I couldn't help but feel like I've done something wrong. I put my head down looking at my shoes.
  "I'm sorry." I mumbled.
  "You did nothing wrong." He cupped his face.
  "I'm just worried." He smiled. "I'm probably just overreacting."
  "I hope so." I mumbled.
  "Have you are yet?" He asked.
  "No." I shook my head.
  "Good." He grabbed my hand. "I planned a little picnic."
  We went to his truck and on the back of his truck was the picnic set up. I smiled widely.
  "I've always wanted to do this." I gushed.
  Elijah hopped up onto his car then offered his hand to him. With one pull I was up, but also in his arms. I could hear his heart beating fast. I pulled away from sitting down.
  "If you find something you don't like you don't have to eat it." He said.
  I nodded my head ready to dig in. We ate and talked. I learned more about him. How his mom and brother are trying to force him to take over as Alpha. He told me that his dad is deathly sick. I couldn't help but feel sorry but I knew he didn't want my pity.
I told him more about me. How I love nature and animals. How I would love to travel. I told him about how I don't have any friends because everyone I came across doesn't like the things I do. He got mad when I told him that I was bullied in schooled.
"What would be the first place you'd travel to?" He asked.
"South Korea." I smiled. "I would love to see their historical buildings."
"Do werewolves have mates?" I asked.
He coughed a few times before looking at me.
"Yes, we do." He responded.
"Have you found yours?" I asked.
"Yes." I nodded.
A pain struck my heart. It hurt seeing that he already had someone.
Could I be- could I be falling for him?

How I Fell In Love With A Werewolf : A Werewolf Novel Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant