Chapter 20

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"Mom? Dad?"

I didn't bother the questioning eyes looking at me. I ran to my smiling parents and hugged them, not letting go.

"Jann sweetie, are you alright?" Mom asked, cupping my cheek.

"Of course Mom. I've missed you so so much." I confessed, hugging her as she giggled. I released her and turned to

"Dad." I called and he picked me up, twirling me in the air making me laugh. He put me back on my feet and grinned way to widely at me.

"Surprise." Fahad stated, making all eyes snap to him.

"Happy birthday, baby." He smiled. I ran to him, slightly pushing Hanan to the side and hugged him as he picked me up, twirling me around.

"I love you." I whispered, nuzzling his neck.

"I love you too, baby." He said, a little loud for everyone to hear him.

"Alright. What is going on here?" Hanan snapped, clearly not liking what was happening in front of her.

"Calm down Hanan, there's nothing to worry about." Ashraf interjected, rubbing his sister's arm.

"I thought your parents are dead?" Jalil asked.

"Um..." I stammered.

"No, they are not." Fahad stated.

"What's between you and Fahad?" Kamal asked.

"I don't get what's happening here." That was Aliyah.

"How do you expect them to explain when you all keep asking questions." Fateema interrupted them.

"Good evening sir, Evening Ma'am. Nice to meet you, I'm Fateema." She greeted, sitting on one of the couches.

The rest also exchanged pleasantries with my parents. I sat next to my parents as they all did same, waiting for an explanation.

"I told you she was an imposter." Tasleem muttered, making me roll my eyes at her.

"I may have tolerated you hitting her earlier but If you dare say one bad word against Jannah...." Hanan didn't let him finish when she interjected.

"Jannah, as in your sister Jannah or Ashraf's Jannah?" She asked.

"Both." Ashraf smirked, looking at me and I glared back at him.

"Sorry Fahad, I thought she was your...."

"I get it. It's okay."

"If you are Jannah then why did you change your name and lie to us about who you are?" Jalil asked.

"She was sent here." Mami stated.

"You knew who she was?" Kamal asked.

"No, but her parents told me." She answered.

"This is weird." Hanan muttered making me snicker.

"This is confusing." Fateema muttered.

"One question. What was she sent here for?" Aliyah asked Mami.

"Think about it. She comes here and in less than a week, uncle's warehouse catches on fire with evidence of hard drugs. Then weeks later, everything about him got exposed to the public and he got arrested. So if you put two and two together......"

"She's a spy." Fateema cut Ashraf off.

"Smart girl." I said, smiling at her.

"But they don't exist." Kamal stated.

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