Chapter 51

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So the wedding is really over.

I'm married.

And to the woman I love.

I'm sure my brother's must think the grin on my face is starting to get scary because I've been smiling from ear to ear since it rang in my ear that the ceremony was over.

An uncle of mine asking if I was nervous?


Dude, I just got married to the love of my freaking life.

"Where are you headed, Ash?" Jamal asked me and I turned to look at him.

I smirked at him, giving him a wink as well.

"Where else, Kamal?" I taunted and he simply roll his eyes at me. But I could see the small smile playing on his lips.

"You're not seeing her now, you know." I heard Fahad's voice as I continued to make my way to the main building where my bride was being kept.

"Oh no. No, no, no. Don't do this to me, man. We're married. Besides, I have more right to decide whether I'll see her now or not. Over you." I added that last part to annoy him not he smiled, an evil smile.

"Try me." He stated and I was quick to apologize.

"Sorry, sir." As I bowed slightly because I know my friend all too well.

He walked closer to me and gave me a hug.

"Congratulations, Ashraf. May Allah bless your union and May you two be happy always." He said, patting me on the back.

"Thank you. Congratulations to you too." Because I was really grateful to him. If not for meeting him, I doubt Jannah and I would have ever met let alone be at the stage we are today.

When I tried to pull back from the hug, he held me a bit to firmly and said in a low voice, "You better take good care of her or I will come for you."

My blood ran cold.

Now don't get me wrong, I am not scared of Fahad's threats because I've received a fair share of them since I got to know him. But there's something about this particular one that makes me feel a little wary of him.

"Yes, sir." I nod my head even though he couldn't see that.

He let go of me and smiled brightly at me.

The duality of this man surprises me sometimes.

"Now can I go see her?"

"Not yet." He replied, pulling me in the opposite.

"Why?" I inquired, tugging at his hold to let me go.

"Shit's unraveling in there, and you seriously don't want to be part of it." I looked at him confused.

What could possibly be the problem now?

"What do you mean?" I asked him as I walked beside him towards our building.

He smirked at me, "your ex is here."

"Bullshit. You know I don't-." And then it finally clicked.

"Fuck me." I muttered, while Fahd just laughed at my mortified expression.

"Don't worry. Your mom's handling the situation. And both the brides have been locked up in their respective rooms, that's why you can't see her. Until dinner this evening. Some sort of tradition they came up with." He explained.

I sighed.

"Not how you imagined the day to go right?" Fahd patted me on the back.

He didn't need an answer as he added with a heavy sigh, "Me neither."


I couldn't handle it. It's been 2 hours, I was sure whatever situation that was going on had died down by that time.

So I changed into comfortable sweats and a t-shirt, sneaked out of our building and into the main building like a thief. I half expected the house to be full but I guess everyone was busy at the garden- where the dinner was to take place.

Locating Jann's room was easy and I double-checked the hallway to make sure no one was coming up.

I knocked, as quietly as I could but I didn't get a reply so I twisted the door knob and the door was not locked.

Now on a normal day, I wouldn't barge into her room like this. But it's our wedding day, she's my wife now, and it wasn't a dream.

I walked in silently and closed the door behind me. Searching for signs of my Jann, I noticed her laying stomach flat on the bed, fast asleep. I almost laughed.

She's been confined in her room not allowed to see her newly wedded husband, yet she didn't bother finding a way to see me. She just..  slept.

I smiled, walking to the bed and sitting on the edge of it, right where her head was situated. Her hair was sprawled all over, covering her face. It must be really disturbing, I thought as I brush strands of her hair out of her face.

Lucky for me, she stirred and stretched her body. She woke up.

She's such a light sleeper.

"What are you doing her?" She asked in a sleepy voice, not making any move to get up.

"Came to see you. Yet I find you comfortably sleeping without a care in the world on what's supposed to be the best day of our lives." I told her as she sat up from her lying position, brushing her hair out of her face.

"Oh right, we are married." She teased earning a scoff from me.


We looked at each other for what seemed like an eternity and for the life of me, I couldn't hold it any longer as I abruptly pulled her to me in a bone crushing hug.

"You have no idea how long I have been waiting to do this." I mumbled, my face buried in the crook of her neck.

She smelled like lavender.

"Really?" She asked as she pulled away from me.
I hummed in response.

"I also wanted to see you in your wedding dress." I sulked.

"You will, later. But first, let me live out my own dream." She replied.

I got confused.

"Wha-.." my words died down in my throat when Janna's soft lips made contact with mine.

To say I was surprised was an understatement, but I was quick to get back to my senses, pulling her even closer by the waist getting her as close to me as I could possibly do.

And in that little moment, I made a vow to myself. To always love her no matter the situation we might find ourselves in, to protect her with everything in me and to support her in everything she'll do, to start our own little family and to make sure we have our own happily ever after.

And if forever isn't possible, then for as long as I possibly can.

Because I knew, in my heart, that there's absolutely nothing on this earth that will stop me from living the best life with her.

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