Chapter 10

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That old man is the best. He just made my work a lot easier. But then what do I tell Almal.

"May I ask you something?" Almal questioned when we were back in my room, packing my gadgets and rags(which I'm sure I'll never wear again).

"Yeah?" I urged, still packing

"How are you able to work with that injured ribs when you were limping earlier at the living room?" She asked, surprisingly seeing me work as if I didn't get injured yesterday.

"I'm a trained cop. What do you expect?" I rolled my eyes at her. I've been trained to endure pain already so it doesn't bother me much.

"Speaking of which? How long have you been spying on that man?" She asked, sitting on the bed because we were done packing. I sat beside her on the bed, heaving a sigh.

"I wasn't spying. I simply figured out the hidden truth." I stated simply before taking my phone from under the bed.

"But how did you even know about what he is up to?" Okay, her questions are getting annoying.

"You ask too many questions. And I can't tell you that." I explained and she nodded.

"But do you know who reported this case?" She asked me again.

Come on!

"Actually, No. I never thought to ask. But it doesn't matter, all that matters is to bring that asshole to justice." I said and face timed my mom.

"Salam alaikum Mom. How are you?" I asked her looking at her beautiful face, I miss my mommy.

"Wa alaikum Salam, my dear. How have you been? I've missed you." She said with a huge smile on her face.

"Well, a little hurt but nothing your baby can't handle. I'm fine mom, how's dad?" I inquired

"He's on a business trip but he'll be back home soon. It's your birthday in 3 days." She reminded me and I lied to her saying I didn't forget.

"Who's that behind you?" Mom asked and Almal came into view smiling at her

"Mom, this is Almal. She's a friend." I introduced

"Its nice to meet you." Almal said. We talked for a little before ending the call. Suddenly, the door swung open and I hid my phone before Jessie could see it.

"I was asked to take you to your room. Let's go." She said and left without even waiting for our response.

I helped Almal drag the bag to the front door before she stopped me.

"What?" I asked.

"Wouldn't it raise suspicion when they see you dragging that heavy bag with ease after your injury yesterday?" She raised an eyebrow and I rolled my eyes, leaving the sack for her.

"You make it look easy." She dragged it with much difficulty. I helped her but when we reached the main building's front door, I released it and continued to walk beside her

Jessie took us upstairs to a room at the end of the hallway. The room was okay with a medium sized bed, study table, dressing mirror, a side couch, a closet and a bathroom.

"Woahh. I can't believe you'll be living here from now on." She said, still looking around.

There was balcony and the view was breathtaking. When we were done settling , Almal excused herself to go see her brother while I started hiding my weapons.

A knock stopped me in my tracks and I went and opened the door. It was Mami.

"Come in." I gave her way to come in and she looked outside before coming in and closing the door behind her.

"Congratulations." She stated

"Thank you." I thanked.

"I should be thanking you. It wasn't your job but you helped my son yesterday." She said with a teary smile and I smiled at her.

"You should stop thanking me, really. Anyone would have done just that if they were in my place." I explained.

"Anyways, just a quick warning. Stay away from the other building you get me, don't go anywhere near it." She warned.

"But, why?" I asked, hoping she would fill me in on some things.

"Well, every maid in this house knows my husband's brother is a womanizer. I trust you dear, so please don't tell anyone if I tell you this..." She trailed.

"Sure." I urged.

"H-He tried to molest me many times with me escaping. Everytime I tried to tell his brother, he takes none of it which leads us into an argument. Safwan is so nice, he thinks everyone is like him. I too think sometimes, how twins could be so different." She sighed, shaking her head.

So it isn't Safwan but Sufyan. Huh?

"But I hope and pray he realizes it someday and that Sufyan will be punished for his crimes." She said in a low tone.

"I pray so too, Ame- Ma'am." I smiled at her.

"Call me Mami, alright?" She said and I nodded.

"Now, you need a lot of rest for you to recover. So you should sleep." She ordered.

She pushed me down on the bed gently and removed my shoes, pulling the blanket over my body.

"You're acting like my mom. I should be taking care of you, not the other way round." I stated, smiling at the memory of my mom doing the same thing.

"I know, but you're not well. Now sleep and when you wake up, a new set of clothes will be waiting for you to try out. Any preferences?" She asked and I nodded.

"I hate bright colors and I also don't like dresses and skirts." I mentioned and she chuckled.

"Alright then. Sleep tight." She tapped my shoulder before exiting the room but came back minutes later.

"Do you want a phone or..."

"Nope. I'm good." I smiled and she switched off the light and left me in darkness.

This woman just made my work a lot easier.

I like her already!

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