Chapter 35

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***4 months later***


"Been so long. I can't wait to kick your ass." He stated, cracking his knuckles.

"This is gonna be fun." I said, licking my bottom lip as we circled each other.

We faced each other, both of us waiting for the other to start the fight as we took slow steps. The gym room was spacious enough for the brawl that was going to happen to occur without causing damage to any equipments. I was panting heavily from all the workouts I've been doing before he came into the building, I was dressed in black sweats and a tank top. He was donning a grey sweatpants and a loose shirt.

He laughed heartily, and I smirked as I pondered on counter attacks for when he attacks first.

I took slow steps backwards as he kept looking at me like he was calculating my moves.

"I barely escaped last time because you knew all my moves. So sad for you this time because you won't be able to harm me as much as last time." I mentioned with a sweet smile.

He scoffed, his smirk unmoving. "Let's test that theory, shall we?"

He came closer and closer as we chatted, and I ducked as he tried to punch me. I brought my feet up to kick him but he blocked, and I stepped back. He bent over to sweep me of my feet but I jumped, avoiding his leg swiftly. He stood up straight and stepped back, looking at me with a sly smile.

"I see you're agility had improved 10× more than the last time."

"Shut up and just fight." I said, breathing heavily.

I need some water! I need food!

But not right now, let's deal with the task at hand first then we'll think about those after we're done.

"Still not in contact with your love?" He asked me and my jaw clenched.

Concentrate Jann! He's trying to mess with your head. As always.

"You must miss him so much,  am I right?"

And he was right, I do miss him a lot.

But not right n-

His fist landed on my jaw with much force, making me tumble to the ground. I rubbed my jaw, wincing at the pain.

"Geez. What's in your hand? Steel?" I asked, jumping back to my feet.

"Where has your concentration gone, Nightmare?" He mocked, as we circled each other again.

I brushed his statement away and lunged at him. Jab after jab, kick after kick, I then managed to pin him to the floor.

"Easy as..." He didn't let me finish as he threw me off of him, making me land hard on my back above him.

We both hurriedly got back to our feet and I tried to kick him, but he grabbed my feet and twisted it, and I landed on my stomach.

I blew out a frustrated air and got back to my feet as he laughed at me.

He tried to punch me again but I ducked and jabbed him in the abdomen. He squatted a bit due to the pain and I blessed his face with the back of my foot sending him down to the mat, groaning in pain.

"No remarks?" I mocked, hands on my hips as I stared at him with a smirk playing on my lips.

He got up and straightened his shirt, bringing his fists to his shirt.

"First one to get pinned to the mat looses." He mentioned and I grinned.


He punched me in the jaw, tried to do so again but I dodged and kicked his feet, making him lose his balance and hit his back on the mat with a thud. Before I could make a move on him, he swept my feet and I joined him on the floor.

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