Chapter 2

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"What do you want Elwin," Draco hissed, as we all walked in, he didn't look any more happy than I was.

"Shut it Malfoy," Cora snapped before I could open my mouth.

"There's no other seats left so we have to sit here, that's not a problem is it?" Nova said, twirling her black hair between her fingers. Cora and I rolled our eyes at her, I knew that Nova and Draco had history, although she never went into much detail. And quite frankly, I couldn't care any less, who she hooks up with is her prerogative. Cora and Nova took the seats closest to the window, leaving me sitting opposite to Draco; I rolled my eyes as he smirked at me. His smirk seemed to be a permanent fixture on his face. Most girls swooned at the sight of it but it just made my stomach twist. I was hoping to be able to just sit in awkward silence for the rest of the journey but that would make life easier and Draco was, as I've said before, an utter prick.

"You just can't keep your eyes off me, can you Elwin?" he teased, running his tongue across his teeth, tilting his head like a naughty puppy.

"Just checking to see if you've jumped off the train yet...try not to disappoint me next time," I snapped back and watched his smile fall, his expression hardened. Blaise laughed, earning a sharp jab in the ribs by Draco, which made me laugh. Cora continued to laugh obnoxiously loud, despite the devil glare from Draco and Blaise. Cora was never one to care what people thought. It was something I've always loved about her.

"Shut up Wiggs!" Draco snapped eventually, standing up making us all jump; Cora stopped laughing but gave Draco a teasing wink as she leant back in her seat.

"Calm down Draco, just sit down," Blaise said, reaching for his arm. Draco sat down slowly shrugging off Blaise's touch; I don't know how he could be friends with someone like him. Draco saw the look I was giving him and he gave me another one of his smirks, I rolled my eyes at him but didn't stop looking at him. His eyes were an intoxicating grey, I'd never seen eyes like it anywhere else. He was fascinating to look at, like a strange wild cat you'd see at a zoo. 

Draco looked like he wanted to say something but he was interrupted by the door of our carriage sliding open with a sharp squeak. And there, standing in the doorway, was the guy who rivalled Draco for my hatred. In that moment, I didn't know who I wanted to throw under the train more. 

I hadn't seen him since the end of last year. The imagine of him cradling his broken nose, blood slipping through his fingers, flashed through my mind. He looked at everyone in the carriage in turn, nodding at Draco. When his gaze fell on me, an unrecognisable expression filled his eyes.

"Well this isn't awkward," Cora teased; I pinched her and she swore loudly. I turned to him, not really sure how to react, I found my eyes turning towards Draco who was smirking again, Aaron followed my gaze.

"How's that little Slytherin slut Aaron," Draco joked, my stomach lurched at the thought of him sleeping with Pansy, "I've heard that you had a great time," Draco carried on, Blaise nudged him and shock his head. He saw how much it was effecting me and he carried on speaking, "was she better than Elwin?" That hurt, a lot. Aaron grew paler and he couldn't look me, my stomach twisted and it felt like I was going to be sick, everyone sat there waiting for my reaction. Draco leant back in his seat, crossing his ankle over his ankle, enjoying every second of this. 

Tears became to sting my eyes and I ran out the carriage before anyone saw me cry but it was too late, by the time I left the carriage tears were already streaming down my face. I followed the corridor down to the end of the train. I perched on a small ledge, propping opened one of the windows. For a moment I just appreciated the icy bite of the wind on my burning cheeks. I heard footsteps coming down the corridor, I wiped away the tear stains, feeling betrayed by my own emotions. I sucked in a deep breath before turning to look the interrupter, expecting to see Cora or Nova, or maybe even Aaron but instead I was met with the grey eyes of Draco Malfoy. 

I huffed and turned away from him. Glad the tears had finally stopped, instead were replaced with a dangerous anger.

"What do you want Malfoy?" I spat refusing to look at him. I didn't want to get into trouble for breaking his nose. By instinct, my fingers twitched above my wand that sat on my belt, the feeling of the warm wood filled with a comforting familiarity. I could feel his presence so strongly as he moved closer towards me, like he was made of electricity. He sat only a few feet away from me. I stood up almost immediately, not wanting to be anywhere near him, but a strong grip on my wrist stopped me in my tracks. His touch sent a shiver down my spine, my grip on my wand tightened.

"About what I said..." I cut him off before he could finish.

"Don't," I hissed, pulling my hand out of his grasp but didn't make enough attempt to leave.

"Don't what?" Draco asked standing up. I was very aware of how close we were.

"Don't give me some pathetic explanation of what you said in there. If that cold lump of a heart feels guilty, I don't want to hear it. Just leave me alone Malfoy. I've never wanted anything to do with you and still don't," I turned to look at him, his stare was so intense. Being this close to him I could see that he's lost weight since the last time I saw him, and the circles under his eyes had only darkened. He looked tired. 

Over the years, we'd exchange more than the occasional insults. But what he said, no matter how much I hated to admit it, really hurt. 

"But I shouldn't have..."

"Shut it," I snarled, cutting him off, not wanting to hear any of the lies that were about to spill from his mouth,  "I don't want to hear it!" We were closer now, the anger and hatred was like a physical being, pushing us towards each other. Draco wasn't the only person I didn't like, but it was different with him. I'd always felt different, like something was pulling us together. I hated it. I hated him with every fibre of my being, but it was intoxicating. 

"What is your problem?" Draco shouted back, closing what little gap there was between us. We were inches away now, the pulsing energy in the room was overwhelming, like I was being swept up in a hurricane. 

"I hate you," I spat, my voice barely a breath. 

"I hate you too," he growled, his voice sending shivers down my spine. Before I could react, Draco hand grabbed the back of my neck, his lips crashing into mine. At first all I felt was panic, but I found myself swept up in the intensity of it all. My hands found his waist, climbing up his back, pulling him in closer. Draco gripped a clump of my hair, tugging gently. 

But then, just as if I'd been awoken from a dream, I shoved him away. He stumbled a little, his back hitting the wall.  We both stood staring at each other for a few seconds, neither of us able to speak. But just as shocked and confused. 

"Ummm, I'm..." but I didn't let him finished, I pushed past him, stumbling back to the carriage, my mind still in a haze. What the fuck just happened?

When I walked in, Aaron was sitting in my seat, the moment he saw me, he stood like a solider at attention. I was vaguely aware of his weak smile, as my mind spun. I slumped back into my chair, I think Cora was trying to talk to me but I didn't hear much of it. The feelings of Draco's lips were still on mine, I brought my fingers up, trailing the shape of my lips. Everyone around me went quiet, as Draco walked into the carriage. I didn't dare look up at him, deciding that staring at my feet was the best option. Soon the carriage was once again buzzing with conversation and I dared to look up at him. His eyes met mine instantly. There was no smirk, no sly grin, just a look. I couldn't believe I was staring at the man I'd sworn to hate for the rest of my life.

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