Chapter 6

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The sound of mumbled whispered awoke me, my eyes felt like they were stuck together. I forced my eyes to open and was greeted by a harsh light but I kept them open. It took a while for my eyes to get used to the light and when it did I saw two familiar faces beamed at me as I lay in the hospital wing. I tried to sit up but winced at the strong aching in my side; Madam Pomfrey pushed Cora out of the way and gave me a stern look.

"Now listen to me, I want you to sit as still as possible. I've never had to cure such a spell at Hogwarts before in my life, it took 15 minutes to get all the blood back in your body, if it wasn't for Snape then...I don't know what would have happened." Madam Pomfrey spoke very fast, my head feeling like cotton wool I found it hard to keep up. Did she just say Snape? What's Snape got to do with anything? Why am I in here? My heart was pounding so hard that I couldn't think straight. Nothing around me was making sense. Memories about what happened were just fuzzy shards floating around in my head. 

"Who did this?" Madam Pomfrey asked, I was about say to something until I realised she wasn't talking to me. She was talking to our headmaster. I jumped at the sight of him, I had no idea he was there.

"It has been taken care of, I can assure you," he was answering her question but was looking at me. I looked up at him, fearing to move in case madam Pomfrey would hit me. In that spilt second before I realised where I was, I had completely forgot that Draco hit me and I still had no idea was it was.

"Rhiannon once you are better I wish to see you in my office," he spoke softly but there was sense urgency in his voice. Once Dumbledore had left Cora and Kylie showed me all the stuff that people had left me. I didn't feel hungry but I had a chocolate frog and let Cora and Kylie help themselves.

Cora and Kylie filled me in on everything; they had permission to miss lessons up until lunch so they didn't leave out a single detail.

"No one knows how Malfoy learnt that spell," Cora said

"But I heard Harry and Hermione talking about how it was in a book that Harry had picked up," Kylie added, both of them still helping themselves to all the food I was left. I didn't even have to ask any questions, I don't think I could if I wanted to know, they were both talking really fast.

"Slughorn rushed us all out of the classroom, he kept calling after Malfoy to come back but he ran off somewhere,"

"Seamus said he saw Malfoy heading towards the room of requirements,"

"That's no shock though, every spare minute he's in there, Merlin knows what he's doing. Probably just being creepy," Kylie muttered, she was right though. I always saw him going off to the room of requirements but never really cared what he was doing. I couldn't care less if he was just sitting in picking his nose.

"Madam Pomfrey?" I asked as she messed about with a few vile on the desk next to my bed.

"Yes Miss Elwin," she replied not looking at me.

"If don't know anything about what I was hit with then how am I still here?" I asked; she looked up at me looking quite hurt. I went over in my head what I said and tried to think how I could have offended her.

"I knew how to cure you of course; all I said was that I have never had to do it at Hogwarts, nor did I ever expect to. But if it wasn't for Snape..."

"Snape, Snape brought me here," I cut in; I just assumed that Slughorn or one of the students brought me here.

"He didn't just help you Miss Elwin, he saved your life. If he hadn't done something you would be in a far worse off than you are now."

"It was so strange, after Malfoy ran off he ran into Snape. I don't know what he said to him but he came running down the corridor towards you. I've never seen the man look so pale," Kylie shivered. 

"Right that's enough gossiping you lot. You two, go down to lunch. Miss Elwin hear needs her rest."

Cora and Kylie gave me a sorry look before heading out the hospital wing towards lunch.

"You can go after you've had this," Madame Pomfrey said, handing a cup filled with a dark blue liquid. I took it and looked at her, she nodded at me to drink it and I gingerly put the cup to my lips. To my surprise the dark blue liquid felt warm going down my throat and it tasted more a little like blackberries, I drank the whole cup without complaining and gave the empty cup back to Madam Pomfrey.

"Can I go now?" I asked not wanting to stay in this bed any longer; she looked me up and down and nodded. I slowly crawled out of bed, the pain was dimming and it was only a small ache. I straighten up my robes and headed towards the great hall for lunch.

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