Chapter 12

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The first week, leading up to Christmas day, I spent every day with Draco. We spent most of the day in the common room because no one was around and it was warmer in here instead of the harsh winter days at Hogwarts. But sometimes in the evenings here would go up to the Astronomy tower and just sit there. Sometimes we would talk but others we would just sit and watch the sunset or the sunrise. I wrote to Kylie and Cora nearly every day and told them everything about it. They were both confused and wary at first but they soon grew to love it.

On Christmas day I woke up quite late. The sun was already high in the sky and I must have missed breakfast because was stomach was hurting from lack of food. I clambered out of bed still in my night dress and went down to the common room. I never spent Christmas at Hogwarts before so it was strange to see a Christmas tree that had many presents under it. It took me a while to notice Draco, who was sitting next to the tree organising the presents. I started to walk down the stairs and he turned to his head and beamed at me. I love his smile. Even though I have had a great time with him, any time he wasn't with me, he was in the room of requirements and he got all funny with me when I asked what he was doing; so I didn't ask again. He had become a lot skinnier and he clearly wasn't sleeping very well evidence of the ever growing dark circles under his eyes. He stood up when I got to the bottom of the stairs and gave me a big hug and a kiss, kissing Draco was normality now and I couldn't imagine it any other way.

"I love you Rhiannon," Draco whispered in my ear. These words caught me by surprise, even though I knew he felt this way and he knew I felt the same as well, we had never said it to each other.

"I love you too Malfoy," he smirk at me and picked me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist giving him a kiss. He carried me over to the tree and dropped me down and went to sit next to me.

"You seem to have loads of presents," I said peering over at Draco's pile of presents.

"As do you," he pointed out and for the first time I noticed the pile of presents next to me, I didn't have as much as Draco did but I wasn't expecting anything. We began to open them; I had 4 from my parents, one from Kylie, one my Cora. I even had one from Aaron, but to my surprise none from Draco. My parents bought me a single diamond necklace on a gold chain, an autobiography of Gilderoy Lockhart, some honeydukes and a parcel containing 150 Galleon with a small note slipped inside reading

Its Christmas time so behave.

What a lovely family message, I sighed and stuffed the note back into the envelope. Kylie bought me new charm for my charm bracelet; it was clam with an emerald in it. Cora got me a large 5 chocolate frogs and a large packet of Bertie Bott's every flavoured beans. I left Aaron's presents until last, it was a small package and I opened it with caution. Draco was watching me open it, curious at what he got me. To my surprise a time turner fell out, Draco looked as confused as I was. There was a small envelope inside, the front read;

Rhiannon, don't read this in front of him

Draco read it without me realising and gave me a strange look.

"I take it 'him' means me right?" he asked, I could tell he really didn't like Aaron and I don't blame him to be honest but it did make it really awkward. I put the envelope into my jean pocket and leaned against the sofa, smiling at Draco but he looked trouble. He jerked forward and pulled a small box out of his pocket.

"I almost forgot this," he mumbled looking embarrassed. I had given Draco a ring which I noticed he was wearing now. He already had a silver ring on his finger that had a snake on. The one I gave him was also silver but had EM written on it; Elwin and Malfoy. He handed over the box and I opened it, it was beautiful. It was a silver snake curled around an emerald. He took it off me and put it on, coming very close to my face. After he finished he didn't pull away but instead embraced me in a kiss, I love the feeling of Draco's lips on mine. They just seemed to fit perfectly.

Sorry it's such a short chapter but i wanted to have a cute Christmas chapter. Probably going to give you another chapter today because of how short this one is.

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His Slytherin PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora