Chapter 40

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Rhiannon's POV

Today is the day I had been waiting for since we started to make plans. I have to say that I have built up some sort of close relationship with Voldemort, well as close as anyone can get, even closer than Snape. I know Draco is still worried about me but that's why I love him, but I am worried he won't be able to carry out the plan and that will ruin everything.
"He's back at Hogwarts," a familiar voice spoke, everyone turned to look at who it was and I couldn't help but run over to him and hugged him.
"Nice to know I was missed," Aaron smiled, hugging me back. Aaron had been here a few times in the past months, but he always came when the Dark Lord was here, so I could never really see him.
"I'm so glad you're here," I smiled.
"What and miss a chance to see Potter die, how could I miss that?" Aaron laughed. Everyone else didnt share the joy and I felt but I didn't care, I was finally going to be able to kill Harry Potter. At first it was a scary thought, to take another person's life but Voldemort has shown me the right path and how wonderful Potter's death will be.
"Aaron, you know this for certain?" It was the Dark Lord who spoke, all the happiness from his voice and he looked down at the floor.
"Yes my Lord, I just left Hogwarts merely 10 minutes ago," he said clearly but carefully.
"Good, well done Aaron, well done," Voldemort spoke. Aaron looked relieved, his part was done. His mission was to stay at Hogwarts with Snape, who was now headmaster and wait until Potter was back. He had given Voldemort information for months, all stuff that had been very useful in making out plan perfect. His mission was complete and now he could sit back and watch, as his worst enemy is destroyed.
"Well would you all like to come in for food," Draco said, breaking the silence. Everyone muttered in excitment and made their way to dining room, which was lined with food. All the meetings before were a place of fear but now that the Dark Lord has a plan in motion and everything was working perfectly, there seems to be a nicer atmosphere. The dining room was lit up nicely and the emerald green curtains were pulled back.
"I'm just going to freshen up," Narcissa said.
"I will as well, don't wait for us," I said and quickly followed Narcissa upstairs.

On our way back from the bathroom, our hair neater, lipstick re-applied and a fresh spray of perfume, we past my old bedroom, the one that was given to me that first day I came.
"You're a very tidy young lady Rhiannon, it doesn't look like anyone has ever slept in there," Narcissa commented, I couldn't help but blush. Draco and I had been sharing a bed for the past few months but as she was his mother I felt awkward saying so. She looked at my face and it was clear she knew but to my surprise she started to giggle and it soon turned into a full belly laugh and I soon joined in.
"You sure have fallen hard for my boy," she said, after we both regained ourselves.
"You could say that," is all I managed to say, she gave me an unexpected hug.
"Be careful Rhiannon, I know you think you are being brave but you're not," she whispered sharply. I was surprised by her sudden change in tone.
"Excuse me?"
"Rhiannon you're so young. I see the way you look at the Dark Lord; you hang off of his every word. You look up to him, it scares me, most of us our here because we have to. You seem to enjoy it, why?" She whispered.
"Because what he is saying is right, I never have agreed to his methods, I hate the way he treats muggles, and I haven't kept how I felt about him a secret from him. But I want Harry Potter dead Narcissa, it's hard to explain my feelings but I know that He is the only one that can get me what I want," I agrued my case; I didn't want her thinking I was some stupid teenager, going head first into everything.
"Okay as long as you know what you're doing," Narcissa forced a smile.
"I do," I said strongly and Narcissa started to walk down the stairs. She suddenly turned around to face me, nearly causing me to walk into her.
"O I almost forgot to say, congratulations," She smiled brightly; my heart began to beat harder in my chest. How can she know?" I haven't told anyone yet, not even Draco?

Omg so sorry this is late. I'm currently writing my own story that I'm hoping will reach further than Wattpad. So I'm really sorry.
I hope you enjoy this extra plot twist.
I can imagine most of you have your theories of what Narcissa is on about. But your gonna have to wait until Friday to know if your right or not.


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