Chapter 26

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Draco POV

I turned away when I saw him, the sight of him made me feel sick, what he stood for, what he had done, what he had asked him to do. Everything about that man was evil and I was working for him. Where the hell in Rhiannon? I hope she’s ok; I left her at that party, what if she’s been hurt, or worse? I wanted to run away from this, I wanted to be close to Rhiannon and hold her safe in my arms forever. But I couldn’t. Voldemort walked towards Harry Potter, this wand held delicately in his bony hand.

“My dear Draco,” he turned to look at me and I jumped at the mention of my name. I didn’t know how to respond to that, so I just looked at my shoes and didn’t say anything. He was done talking to me and turned his attention to Bellatrix and Potter. I hated Harry, it was such a brat but I didn’t want him killed, this was my entire fault. But I had no choice, it I didn’t do as I was told, he would have killed me, he would have killed my whole family. 

But then something happened that made everyone in the room stop and stare. Harry Potter’s face started to change shape, his hair started to grow and he got slimmer and shorter until finally….O God, no, please anyone but her. Please Merlin not Rhiannon, not my poor Rhiannon. Rhiannon was sitting there on the cold floor, her hair still being held back by my Aunt. When Bellatrix realised what was going on she threw Rhiannon to the floor, cursing loudly, she started jumping up and down in frustration. In her weak state, Rhiannon was unable to catch herself and smacked her head on the floor and she yelped in pain. I winced at this but I didn’t dare move to comfort her but that would be bad for both of us. How the hell did she get herself into this mess?

After get going over the initial shock every turned to look at Voldemort, my fear was that he was going to kill her there and then and be done with it. And maybe even kill me because I was the one to bring her here. Bellatrix still looked confused and was just staring at Rhiannon on the floor. She had managed to prop herself up with her elbows but she was weak and her leg was still bleeding. I wanted to comfort her so badly; I met her eyes and gave her a quick smile. I expected a little one in return but instead she glared at me, I have never seen someone look like they hated me so much in my whole life, and I’m hated by a lot of people. I haven’t even had those looks from that little mudblood Granger. The look that she gave me sent shivers down my spine, I wanted to turn away but I couldn’t do it, I was in love with Rhiannon so much it hurt.

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