Chapter 9

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Every watched me, even Flitwick was watching me, his voice trailing away no longer speaking proper words. Draco shifted awkwardly in his seat as I sat next to him, I felt like I was going to be sick and he didn’t look that good either. I felt a burning hatred towards him, I wanted to scream and shout at him, I wanted to ask him so many questions but I held my tongue thinking of the promise I made to Dumbledore. Professor finally started talking again and I opened my text book to starting making notes, but about half way through the lesson I gave up listening. I dared a look at Draco and jumped when I saw he was looking at me, I couldn’t break eye contact with him. He was so sexy and it was hard believe that he was there but he was and he tried to kill me. I mentally slapped myself and turned back to my text book but the weird words danced on the pages and I couldn’t concentrate on anything.

When the lesson finished I threw my text book into my bag and ran out to my next class not wanting anyone to talk to me. But I was stopped before I got out the door by Professor Flitwick’s voice booming around the classroom. For someone who is very small he has a very loud voice.

“Don’t go yet class I need to tell you something,” he said, I leaned against the wall near the doorway and some people slumped back into their seat.

“I need you to write an essay, I want it to be about 10 pages and it can be on any of the topics that we have covered last year,” everyone in the room sighed loudly, expect Hermione who started writing topic ideas down in her notebook. I hate that girl; she is so annoying and slightly weird. But he wasn’t finished, “I also want you to work with your desk partner,” he said and he looked over at me along with everyone else in the classroom. I felt sick; I had to work with a guy that tried to kill me. I could feel Draco looking at me but I refused to look back, once I knew he had nothing more to say I ran out of the classroom.

The rest of the day went really quickly and I couldn’t face dinner so I went straight to the common room. When I got in I jumped a mile, I saw a tall white haired boy sitting on the sofa with his head in his hands. I couldn’t move, I thought about trying to run up the stairs while he wasn’t looking but before I could move his head snapped up and he set his beautiful grey eyes on me making me shiver. I wanted to run away, I used to be irritated by him but now he scared me. He stood up and starting walking towards me, I stumbled backwards and nearly fell but he caught me. He was really close to me and I felt my heart beat in my ears. He saw the fear in my eyes and he looked pained by it, but I didn’t care. It is so hard not to question him about everything that had happened but I managed to hold my tongue. He moved his hand down to where his wand is and I stumbled backwards, pressing my back against the wall but instead of taking his wand out he just adjusted his robes and I felt my tense body relax all at once. He looked hurt that I was scared of him; I have never been scared of anything before in my life. My father used to scare me when I was little but that is the case of any child and their father. But for the first time in many years I was scared. I am scared of Draco Malfoy.

Really short chapter but i should be uploading another one today. I've had so much time to write since all the exams have been over and i havent been getting much homework. Life is good :)

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