Chapter 14

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Professor Snape told me and Draco to come to the great hall for the feast before the other students arrive. Draco and I made our way to the great hall; Draco linked fingers with me and gave my hand a squeeze.

“I’m sorry I’ve been busy these last two days,” he murmured, looking down at me. I was still mad at him but the letter had given me too much to think about to care.

“It’s ok,” I answered and I meant it. It sucked that we have barely seen each other the last two days because Draco was off doing Merlin knows what and it is clear that whatever it is, is important and I’m just glad that he’s with me now. When we got into the great hall, it was close to empty. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Luna were the only ones sitting at the Gryffindor table and stopped talking as me and Draco entered the room. Ron glared at Draco and me but I didn’t personal care, I hated them as much as they hated me. There were about 10 people at the Ravenclaw table and 7 in Hufflepuff. It felt odd that the hall was so empty but soon enough, all my classmates will be here and classes will start again. There was a worrying thought that played inside my head; I left it alone until I could take it no longer.

“What does this mean for us?” I asked, I was a very vague question but Draco understood what I meant.

“I don’t know. We are in the same house so there’s no problem there and you’re a pure blood so…” he said but I cut him off.

“What’s that got anything,” I snapped. It’s true that I am a pure blood but I didn’t see why it had anything to do with us being together in public.

“You know what I mean Rhian, don’t make me say it,” he muttered but I wasn’t giving in that easily.

“Just say it Malfoy,” it felt weird going back to last name bases but for some reason, what he said really annoyed me and I wasn’t going to let it pass.

“Why are you pushing this Elwin,” he looked shocked at himself for calling me Elwin again. His face hardens and no longer looked like the guy I had spent all Christmas with.

“Just say it Malfoy!” I was shouting now and a few people from the other tables looked over at me but I didn’t care.

“Ok, if you weren’t a pure blood then I wouldn’t want to be with you, I wouldn’t even kiss you,” he shouted back and everyone in the hall; most of them giving Draco evil glances. Hermione was the only one that didn’t turn around but I can see her cheeks going red. Ron Weasley puts his arm around her to comfort her, when were those two gonna get together. I gave Draco I look that I never gave him before; I stood up slowly not letting him say anything else. He really knew how to ruin a perfect Christmas, the past few weeks I went from hating him, scared of him, completely in love with him and now I’m just pissed. I know his views and his whole family views on people who aren’t pure blood but to hear him actually say it made me feel ill. I have no problem with people who aren’t pure blood at all and I thought that Draco was better than that. I was clearly wrong. I got to the door of the great hall, not really sure where I was going when I bumped into a familiar figure. It was Aaron.

oooooooo they had an argument and i'm not sure i liked it. I love Rhiannon and Draco so much but sometimes Draco had be a bit of an idiot, is it just me? Sorry it's just a short chapter again but I have actually wrote up to chapter 29 i think and i promise that it does get a lot more exciting from about here.

There is a lot more spells and a lot more action and fighting....super excited for you to read it!!! Don't forget to COMMENT, VOTE & LOVE x

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