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So this is it, the last update. I've done the last fw updates in one, I thought just get it over with, like ripping off a plaster. I hope you have loved my story!

The clock read quarter to eleven, the train leaves at exactly 11:00.
"Have you got everything?" I asked, straightening out his jacket.
"Yes mum, it's fine stop fussing," Scorpius moaned and I pulled myself away. I cant believe that already Scorpius is going for his first year at Hogwarts. I made sure that he had all the best things and the highest quality robes; I didn't want him to feel left out in an way.
"You will be good won't you Scorpius," I asked carefully. I loved my child more than life itself but he wasn't exactly the most well behaved child and if he was anything like his father, which in more ways than I could count he was. He was going to be a handful. He was such a perfect baby, barely ever cried and slept through most nights but once he hit 5, its like every naughty deed had been saved up until that birthday.

Like Draco and I, he was very good at potions nd took a great interest in the subject, I would hear the occasional bang or this coming from his bedroom which I didn't dare ask about. When he came downstairs, his clothes covered in some sort if strange liquid or his face covered in boils. He would always ask for potion books or equipment for his birthday or Christmas. He had read those subjects school potion books from cover to cover. I tried getting him to study all the other subjects but that didn't go very well.
"Yes mum I promise," Scorpius rolled his eyes and laughed at my panicky manor and I gave him a hug, which he returned reluctantly. I looked up at Draco who was smiling down at his son proudly. Draco was nervous about sending Scorpius to Hogwarts, he didn't want his son being judge by his surname but I managed to convince him otherwise.
"Make me proud son," he said and Scorpius nodded, he was in awe or his dad, he always had looked up to him.
"You better get on the train and find your seat," I cooed, Scorpius grabbed his messenger bag and climbed into the train, right before disappearing, he turned and waved. I waved frantically back and blew him a kiss which he ignored and then he was gone.

All of the children were on the train now, the clock read one minute to eleven. I was so nervous, like I was going to Hogwarts all over again. I looked up at Draco to see that he was no longer looking at the train; I followed his gaze and saw that he was looking at Harry, Ron and Hermione, wishing their kids off. I haven't seen them since I left Hogwarts. Harry and Ron didn't come back for their last year but Hermione did, she was king to me but I often ignored her, which I lately regretted. Hermione gave me a warm smile which I returned and so did Harry, although Ginny didn't seem too happy to see me. Harry gave Draco a small nod of acceptance and then walked away.
"He will be alright won't he Draco?" I asked, looking at the train that was now leaving the station, surrounding the platform in white smoke. We stopped walking and he held my waist, pulling me into him, his face only inches from mine and out lips nearly brushing against each other when we spoke.
"He'll be fine," Draco answered.
"But what if he has forgotten something, or gets into trouble, or..." Many thoughts ran through my head about what could go wrong and it made me feel dizzy. I knew he hadn't forgotten anything, I made him check his truck about 12 times before we left and when he wasn't looking I check it also buy the worry still played in my mind.
"You worry too much Mrs Malfoy," he smirked, he placed a soft kiss against my lips and everything was just right...I mean we still had bills to pay, work to go to on Monday, house to clean, meals to cook but I had Scorpius and I was with Draco Malfoy so everything was just perfect.

The End

That's it, its all over. Thank you to those who have stuck with me till the end. I love every single one of my readers. I am currently writing a Peter Pan OUAT fan fiction, so if your didn't that please comment. That won't be up on Wattpad for a while because of school but it will poke out its head eventually.

Again thank you all for voting, reading, commenting and just being the best readers ever. I love you all so much. Over and out xx

His Slytherin PrincessNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ