𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞 | Elijah

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May 2009

A common misconception about vampires is that they are unfeeling to the bite of harsh winds, that the warmth of the sun to their skin was dull, and that their undead heart was devoid of all emotion outside of hunger and thirst.

This was all untrue, of course.

Their mother was nothing but succinct, she had a vision of what she wanted for her remaining children and she got it. Esther wanted them to be superior over werewolves in everything, to become the ultimate predator, and under them was every prey. To do so was to enhance everything they already had.

And so Elijah readjusted the feel of his coat and his shoulders, wishing nothing more but for the platter of rain to stop, and held on tightly to Ruby's shoulder with his free, non-umbrella hand, the only remnant of his once plentiful family.

Together, they looked nothing like the bloodsuckers they were and more like 'father and daughter' (or uncle and niece, to be more precise) waiting for the mundane door to open. However, the door was anything but.

To the untrained eye, it'll look like the door steadily swung open. To them, they both saw and heard the cogs twisting and turning before swinging back, revealing a young red-headed witch with cool, gray, eyes.

"You must be our 2 o'clock," The young woman said, her accent wasn't as strong as the locals they had fed on earlier that day, to which Elijah was slightly grateful for. It's been a while since their last visit to Ireland, and he wasn't sure if he'll get modern slang. "Both of you may come in."

"Thank you." Elijah gave her a courteous smile, ushering Ruby forward. Although all three of them knew that both Mikaelson's wouldn't have been able to enter without the expensive tickets Elijah kept secured in both of their coats.

"You have a beautiful home," Ruby said kindly. The child then gasped, rushing towards a birdcage in excitement, way too energetic for Elijah to stop her. "Is that a pixie?" She gaped.

In normal circumstances, Elijah would have frowned. He could hear Kol's indignant voice in the back of his mind, ever against the abuse to magical creatures, a sentiment he shared. However, judging by this small coven's actions would be detrimental to their goal that day. "Ruby,"

"It's fine," The woman tells them, "Let her be. Lady McKanmera is waiting for you this way,"

He followed her as she led him away from the entranceway down to a hallway. The telltale sound of Ruby running next to him almost made him smile. The young girl mumbled a small apology, quiet enough that only he, an original vampire, could hear. He lightly swept the crown of her head before firmly holding her hand.

"I'm afraid I didn't catch your name, darling."

"It's Sofiya." She cleared her throat, "Sorry. I'm -uh- new here." She opened one of the doors and motioned her hand to a coat racket. "You can leave your coats over here."

Elijah got his coat off in one big, swift, motion. He rather liked the sound of his coat whipping behind him, along with the jump Sofiya made at the sudden sound. He placed his coat, along with Ruby's, on the rack before turning to the sound of footsteps.

"Elijah Mikaelson." The older woman greeted him with open arms.

"The lovely Lady Olivia Mckanmera," Elijah returned her hug, placing a chaste kiss on both of her cheeks. "It's wonderful to see you again."

"Likewise," She nodded, "This must be Ruby."

"Hello," Ruby curtsied, "It's nice to meet you, Lady McKanmera."

"Impeccable manners, too. Elijah taught you well." Olivia knew better than to touch the girl, the news of the Original Family's deaths was well known to the right ears. "Come and sit with me. Sofiya! Grab us some tea."

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