𝟏𝟏 | Your Love got Me Psycho

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In the span of a day, all of the progress Jeremy made that week was gone

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In the span of a day, all of the progress Jeremy made that week was gone.

Only 8 people attended Vicki's funeral and only half were there for Vicki herself, the rest were there to pick up the pieces of the ones she left behind. They had covered up her death as overdose, much to Jeremy's sheathing anger. Even Stefan didn't come, he and Damon had to lay low after all. But it still left a bad taste on Aly's mouth, Vicki was his protégé.

Aly stood right beside him despite his anger, knowing that it wasn't exactly directed at her. Elena stood next to Matt in the other corner of the room, and she kept giving them both guilty glances. Jeremy ignored her.

At least he wasn't completely ignoring Aly.

Their family was a mess. They had entered the cold war with everyone ignoring everyone, if not being downright hostile. Jenna avoided Aly outside of tiny disappointed looks here and there, she'd bolt the room every time Aly would even try to talk to her. Jeremy would throw a hissy fit every time he saw Elena. To which Elena would begin to tear up and lock herself up in her room- or go straight to the Salvatore's.

And Aly, well, she was trying her best to water the fire.

Aly was surprised to see Caroline there. They personally didn't know Vicki, and even then they weren't even on good speaking terms. In truth, Aly didn't know if her own attendance counted as good in nature. She even caught herself wondering if Vicki would even have wanted her to be there.

And yet, even though the girl had attacked them twice, Aly didn't want her to die, die.

"What are you doing here?" Jeremy sneered at her blonde friend. Aly's hand immediately went to him, giving him a look.

Caroline looked at him in surprise. "I'm here for Matt." she said, confused. "He's my friend."

"Well, you shouldn't be here."

"Jeremy," Aly shot Caroline an apologetic look as she pulled Jeremy away. "What the hell?" she hissed.

"You're defending them?" Jeremy glared at her. "After what I saw?"

"I'm not defending them. Caroline has nothing to do with this. She knows nothing, Jeremy. She's not her mom."

Jeremy ran a hand through his face. "Isn't there anything we could do?" he asked, desperate. "There has to be something. Vicki was murdered, Alyssandra. They're covering it up with overdose. That's not right."

"I know." Aly nodded, agreeing with him. "But-" what could they do? This was the Council, the same group of people who burned a chapel down with 27 people inside. She bit her lower lip.

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