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Just relax

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Just relax.

That's what Aly repetitively told herself upon missing the ball for the Nth time that day, wincing as she landed flat against the floor. She heard the whistle blow out, and she scowled.

"Come on, Gilbert!" Yelled their new coach. "Gotta do better than that!"

They were doing a mock-volleyball game before the official start of the season in January. This was their last practice before Christmas break started. Sad to say, she wasn't very focused.

It's been a week since Jenna's been kidnapped and the adults had fully taken over the vampire-fiasco.

Apparently, just because you're older than someone, it didn't mean that you knew better. They forced a sit-down and talk along with Stefan, Elena, and Jeremy. They had requested the three younger Gilbert's to keep quiet and lay low, with them tailing Jeremy constantly, worried that he might say something else to the Council.

Jeremy didn't like that.

Aly had told them about the Council's plans about using the Gilbert journals. Jenna wanted to give the journals immediately, anything to keep the vampires away. Knowing what exactly some of the inventions could do, Zach went against her. Surprisingly, Alaric was the only one who stayed neutral despite being a vampire hunter. Aly's respect for him grew after he explained that vampires were people too. He apparently only hunted the ones that actively killed, having met a few kind vampire mate pairs.

They then explained Stefan and Elena's anchor/mate situation, and how the Council had unjustly killed Vicki (Aly didn't mention that it was because Damon sold her out, knowing fully well that it'll just fuel the fire.). As long as no vampire murdered anybody else (let's be real here, the body count belonged to Damon), everything should be fine.

Jenna didn't like that.

Stefan told them to not worry, as the whole vampire/Council thing would blow over soon. He explained that the vampires from the tomb would be gone by New Years and that he would soon leave as well. Effectively ridding Mystic Falls of all vampires. He didn't explain how he knew his information.

Elena didn't like that.

Alaric shrugged and told them all to just get on with their lives, drinking merrily away upon finding out that his ex-wife had twins and left them (he's been surprisingly kind to Aly, Elena, and Jeremy). He was a family man, after all. He wanted nothing more than kids of his own.

Oh, and another thing;

Damon had left Mystic Falls upon the realization that Katherine left him, which is why he didn't reply to any of Aly's texts.

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