𝟏𝟖 | Liar, Liar

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After seeing the dead body, they spent the next few minutes panicking and thinking about what to do next

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After seeing the dead body, they spent the next few minutes panicking and thinking about what to do next. Anna was insistent on simply leaving, but Aly was having none of it. She had known the Lockwoods her entire life, she wasn't about to just leave their relative lying dead and alone in a dark well.

It took a lot of convincing, but one cover story later they called the police.  

"And what were you three doing out in the woods so late?"

Aly's heart hammered on her chest, not used to blatantly lying in front of a trusted adult. Especially not with something as huge as murder. She masked her expression with concern and recited the cover story they created. There were sirens ringing around as she spoke, nullifying the sound of her voice. It didn't really matter, considering that everything she said was a lie. 

"Do you think there's a serial killer on the loose, Sheriff Forbes?"

Liz Forbes gave her a tight-lipped smile, "I don't want to alarm you," She stated, "It's definitely a possibility. But for now I want you all under curfew, do you understand? Whoever the killer is still out there. For all, we know this could be an isolated case, but still, it's better to be safe than sorry."

Aly nodded all-throughout her speech, another part of her felt so guilty; tragedy has struck Mystic Falls once again, and the poor sheriff was once again off to solve another murder. "Yes. Of course."

She had a good guess on who the murderer might be, and it gnawed her like ice melting on her spine.

Aly felt like she had committed the crime herself. She spent the following three days locked up in her room, with only Jeremy and Anna knowing what happened. None of the adults were none-the-wiser, thinking that she was simply traumatized from seeing a dead body. Elena shot her a sad look, almost accepting of what happened. They faced death way more times than any normal teen should have. 

Her brother would routinely give her food, and he'd try to talk to her to no avail. That was until Katherine threw her door open.

"Stop wallowing," She commanded, arms crossed.

Aly sent her a glare, "Did you know?" She narrowed her eyes. "Are you going after Tyler next?"

"No I'm not," Katherine denied. She stalked up close to her bed, sitting down by the side. "I didn't want Mason dead."

"Then what the hell happened?" Aly hissed, pulling her covers up. "Bodies can't just be left everywhere."

"You do realize that we'll need a werewolf for the ritual?"

"Why are you so heartless?" Aly could hear the desperation in her own voice, "Did you kill Mason?"

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