𝟏𝟗 | Blue days

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At least one of them was having fun, Aly mused as she watched Caroline and Matt together

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At least one of them was having fun, Aly mused as she watched Caroline and Matt together. She huffed back to her stool chair, trying to keep her pout at bay. God. No doubt the hostess roped him into this little party. It didn't help that nobody outside of four people in the bar even knew of his true nature.

To everyone else, Elijah was simply a charming young man with hair stolen from a 90's magazine.

He'd occasionally flip the fringe when it caught unto his eyes, the soft hair acting incredibly floppy. He would lean a little too casually onto his chair and smile along with Carol's shenanigans. (His suit looked tight, and it was missing a tie with the collar all open, not that Aly was paying attention) Unlike Damon and Alaric, he looked too relaxed up on the stage. Too normal. Like he couldn't rip them all to shreds if he wanted to.

Didn't he have anything better to do than Carol's little bachelor games? What could he possibly gain from attending? There was no reason why he should be there.

"Careful," Katherine whispered from right next to her, "You might kill Carol with your witch-stare."

"Shut up," Aly kicked her evil-twin from under the table. "What are you even doing here?"

"Jealousy doesn't look good on you." Katherine smirked from her seat, raising a brow. "Are you sad that Elijah's attention is elsewhere?"

Aly gaped, her cheeks instantly flaming up. She didn't dare look back towards the stage, knowing that said Original heard everything.

"Is that why you're here?" Aly threw back, "Want someone to pay attention to you?"

It was weird to think that after a couple of days of eating together brought them closer. Katherine had this talent of always getting some sort of rise from her, she knew exactly what to say to get on Aly's nerves, and she always did it in a weird 'ha-ha fuck you' way.

Yet, Aly grew comfortable with her. It was like having a re-wired version of Elena.

Katherine huffed, rolling her eyes. "Please. If I want attention I'll get it." She languidly drank her drink, "You can even ask the boys on the stage."

Aly still refused to look, "I'm pretty sure Damon wants to throw you off a cliff. In fact, I'm surprised he hasn't already." She really wasn't, Katherine was 400 years his senior. If Katherine wanted Damon dead, he'd be dead. "And what do you mean by that?"

"By what?" Katherine asked innocently.

"You know what."

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