𝟐𝟏| All the ones I care ii.

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"I think she looks pretty," Caroline twisted the photo around, "You have her cheekbones?"

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"I think she looks pretty," Caroline twisted the photo around, "You have her cheekbones?"

Aly scoffed. The duo laid down on Caroline's bed on opposite sides, basically head to head. She grabbed the photo from Caroline's hands- it was the one with Trudie and Isobel cheerleading. "I do not have that woman's cheekbones."

Caroline laughed lightly, "Well, it kinda looks like it." She sassed, "Why didn't you guys just ask Katherine?"

"Ugh. That's what I said," Aly groaned, "But you know, there's this weird triangle/square thing going on with the Salvatore brothers, Katherine and Elena. So the two of them aren't exactly on the best of terms."

"That's kinda weird."

"You said it." Aly agreed, giggling. "Oh my god. I just thought how awkward it'll be if they were all in the same room." 

"You should probably count yourself in there." Caroline giggled, too. "I'm pretty sure Damon has the biggest and fattest crush on you."

"Ew. Gross." She made a face, "That man's a crazy psycho. I can't trust him with anything."

"A hot, crazy, psycho." Caroline twisted around, resting her face on her arms. "But! Speaking of boys. What is up with you and that author guy?"

"Nothing!" Aly blushed, pushing away. It probably just proved her right. "Nothing is going on."

"You liar!" Caroline called out, "Come on, what is it?"

Aly rolled her eyes, "Caroline. Do you not have a pair of eyes? That man is gorgeous." She sighed, flipping her head down to look at her. "His face is just perfect, and his sense of style is immaculate."

"I knew there was something up!" Caroline beamed, "You know how to pick them. But then what's wrong? Boy likes girl, girl likes boy-"

Aly's hands went to her face, "Don't!" She yelled, falling into giggles. "But yes. Ugh. I can only imagine."

"Have you not seen the way he was looking at you at the past founder's events?" Caroline gushed, "Make that dream a reality. That man wants you. Why not go for it? You seem close already."

"I don't know." Aly relaxed her hands, letting them fall to the sides of the bed. "He's just so intense."

"What do you mean? Like intense or like intense."

"I don't wanna-" Aly frowned, "He just seems like the type to fall hard and deep."

"Isn't that a good thing?" Caroline shot her a look.

soulmark | e. mikaelsonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora