𝟐𝟐 | If only I could slap my mom

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Aly closed her eyes as the magic flowed from the talisman then to her

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Aly closed her eyes as the magic flowed from the talisman then to her. Her face shifted into a wide grin when she felt the flow slow down. She hopped back to bed, countless books and paper shifting around her as she lied down. The grimoire temporarily stayed forgotten in her desk, ready to be opened again after the day was over. Feeling optimistic, Aly turned and grabbed the first thing her fingers touched.

Opening her eyes, she tried not to groan upon seeing that it was her English essay.

~ soulmark ~ 

Aly waited for the day to progress faster.                                                                    

Her class spent the first two hours that morning around the gym helping Caroline create decorations for her abrupt-last-minute fundraiser party for Miss Mystic Falls that week. The blonde was wracked with nerves, turning into a full-blown neurotic control freak as she continued on telling people what to do and how to do it.  

Caroline wanted everything to be perfect.

"Thanks so much for the help, Aly." Caroline cooed, jumping up to set another banner to the wall. "Especially since it's all last notice."

"It's fine." Aly stretched, her arm was tired from making banners. "So the party is later?"

"Yes, right here." Caroline nodded. "Are you sure you'll be able to go? Aren't you supposed to meet Isobel today?"

Aly shrugged, "In the afternoon." She told her. "After that, I have all the time in the world."

Caroline eyed her, "Are you gonna be okay? You could come over after."

Aly smiled, giving her friend a side-hug as she grabbed a box and another set of streamers. "I'd be fine, babe. I'll text you all about it after."

Aly placed the materials down to the table where Stefan and Elena were sitting. Stefan looked better than he did the night before, but Aly couldn't help but notice the way he kept shifting around, glancing everywhere and looking all nervous.

Elena was no longer mad at her, having cooled down after staying the night at the Salvatore's. But Aly knew Elena's passive-aggressive pout when she saw it.

"You doing good, Stefan?"

Stefan hummed. He looked up to her in surprise, too hyper-focused with cutting the streamers. "Yep," He popped the 'p'. "Totally."

Elena jerked her head to the side where a metal bottle inconspicuously hid beside Stefan's leg. Aly frowned. She knew what it was without asking, she's been a high school student long enough. But the question was why did Stefan suddenly develop Damon's drinking habits?

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