Thor, a new hero

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After losing one more life, James and Harry were so frightened. They had only two more lives with them. James and Harry saw all the creatures lying on the ground. The creatures did not die. After some time, some creatures started getting up, cheering that they chased Typhon away. James and Harry asked a centaur "Is there anyone here that can raise people from the dead?" The centaur replied "Yes, but he is far away. Sit on my back and I will take you there. The centaur walked till night. After one day, James and Harry woke up and saw that they were in an unknown cave. There was an old Leprechaun in the cave. He asked, "Who do you want to raise from the dead?" James replied "Thor, Lord of thunder" The Leprechaun was shocked, he asked, "Why do you want to raise him from the dead?" James replied "I have heard that Typhon had died because of thunder and that Thor is the Lord of Thunder. That is why I want to raise Thor from the dead"

The Leprechaun started saying some chants. After 3 minutes, thunder appeared in the sky, and lightning brought down Thor with his hammer. Thor stood outside the cave and asked "Where is Typhon?" James said, "I do not know where he is but I guess he is on the other side of the sea." Thor said "We need to go there immediately" Thor walked a bit far from the cave, James and Harry stood next to him. He pointed his hammer at the sky and James and Harry went somewhere where they never saw, after 3 seconds they 3 came down through the lightning to a bridge on the other side of the sea. Typhon jumped and came from nowhere in the sky. Thor stood bravely on the bridge when Typhon stood angrily. They started running towards each other. Thor pointed his hammer to the sky and large lighting appeared, he then pointed the hammer at Typhon, at that time the lighting struck Typhon and he suffered in pain.

Typhon nodded his head and took his big hands and broke the place where thor was standing, but thor moved backward, and a large hole was there in the bridge. Thor threw his hammer at Typhon and it knocked his head off. Thor spun his hammer and pointed to the sky and large lighting appeared, this was bigger than the last time. He pointed it to Typhon and the lighting struck him very badly that he suffered. Typhon was close to death. Typhon was very angry, he ran and gave a strong punch which killed Thor. Thor died and there was a hole in the bridge where Thor was standing. Now there was no way for James and Harry to escape because the bridge was connecting two big mountains standing in the middle of an ocean filled with lava. If James and Harry had run backward they would die in the lava. If they move forward they would be killed by Typhon. Typhon started walking towards them.

How will they escape?

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