Dark hearts

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After they came out of the cave, we saw a figure looking like a fairy and a demon. Harry said that it was an Imp. It had a scroll in its hand. It dropped it from the tree to the ground. Harry and James ran to pick it up. It was written:

"This is me, the Queen of Dark Hearts speaking, you kids have not done anything rude to me, and that is why I am leaving you. Do you remember the card you got this morning when you were driving, it was written by your friend Henry, he also came here a year ago, he tried his best to defeat me and escape from this land, but he could not, so he wrote a letter to you. But I killed him and sent that card to Earth for you to receive it. I killed that weak soul so badly that he suffered till he died. I do not want to do it for you too, so be calm, never try to defeat me, you will also suffer the wrath of the Dark hearts.

From, The Dark Hearts

Harry was frightened after seeing this letter, James also was frightened. They wanted to know more about these Dark Hearts, so they walked further. As they walked further, they saw the same imp which had dropped the scroll. It said to them "Welcome to the Place of the Dark Hearts. I am an imp, a good one. Not a part of the dark hearts. You may not know about dark hearts, but Dark hearts is a group of evil creatures like Basilisks, Imps, Ghouls, Dragons, Erklings, and many more. The one who is ruling them is the Queen of Dark hearts. This is one of the dangerous places in this mysterious world" 

James asked, "You said that it is one of the most dangerous places, does that mean that there are many more dangerous places here?" The imp said, "Yes, but we should not discuss it now, you are now in the place of dark hearts, there is no way to escape it, if you try to escape, you will die."

Harry and James were too frightened. The Imp took them to its cave and served them some food. James and Harry did not decide to stay in this mysterious place, instead, they decided to return to Earth. At midnight, when the imp was sleeping, They went out of the cave and started running silently. As there was no light they did not know where they were going. As they walked forward, they could hear the sounds of a snake hissing.

Suddenly, a large snake glanced at James and Harry's faces. Harry said that it was a Basilisk. But because it was dark, we could not see its eyes, so we did not die. James and Harry started running back to the cave as fast as possible, but the large snake opened its mouth so wide and chased us. It's speed increased and it swallowed James and Harry. James thought that he was dead but after 3 seconds, James opened an eye and saw that he was in the cave of the imp. Harry was also there. The imp was awake. James thought that he had seen a dream but the imp said "What you saw was not a dream, it was reality. You were chased by that Basilisk really, but you did not die that is because you will have 5 lives with you when you enter this mysterious land. Now you have wasted 1 life, so there are 4 more remainings. Use your lives wisely!"

James did not want to take risks anymore but still wanted to go home. He somehow had to reach the big fall. He asked the imp "Where is the big fall?" The imp said, "If you walk straight from here and cross all the barriers stopping you, you can see the big fall!"

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