The big fall

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It became the morning after that horrible incident. James and Harry were so frightened to step out of the cave. Harry asked the imp "Only the one who the basilisk can kill it, so who made this Basilisk?" The imp answered "Herpo the Foul, but he is dead now" James asked, "Is there anyone here who can raise people from the dead?" The imp answered "Yes, I will take you there today" After some time, the imp started walking out of the cave. James and Harry followed it. It went to a place where the basilisk was not there. There was a tiny cave over there with a gnome in it. The imp said to the gnome "Here are two children from Earth, they want to return to Earth they want you to bring back Herpo the foul from the dead" The imp went into a tiny room inside its cave and took some equipments. He arranged everything on the ground and started saying some chants.

 After 3 seconds, an old man came out of its tiny room, it was Herpo the foul. It asked James "Why did you call me?" James replied, "I want to return to Earth, and for that, I need to go to the big fall, can you please destroy the basilisk." Herpo the foul went to the imp's cave and James and Harry followed him. Herpo the foul said "We can kill it only in the night, In the time when it cannot glance at us, I will say some chants and kill it"

It was night, James, Harry, and Herpo the foul walked out of the cave, they walked until they heard the same snake sound. Herpo the foul said "Basilisk is here" After 2 seconds,  the basilisk jumped out and glanced and Herpo the foul. It opened its wide mouth and Herpo the foul started saying some chants. After a few seconds, the basilisk died.

Herpo the foul said to Harry and James "It will come back to life after 10 minutes you should run as fast as possible" Herpo gave a weapon to James saying "This will help you escape the Werewolves" Herpo did not go with them. James and Harry started running so fast. Many trees started falling down as they crossed the basilisk, but they escaped all of them. After 10 minutes the basilisk got up and killed Herpo the foul. After some time of running. A large group of werewolves stood in their way, there were around 500 of them. James took his weapon out. When James pointed the weapon at the werewolves, his body changed into the body of Herpo the foul. He started spinning his stick and was fighting with the werewolves.

As the stick touched a werewolf, it started dying. He hit all the werewolves with his stick and left an empty way, and changed back into James. James asked, "Where are the werewolves?" Harry replied "You became Herpo the foul when you pointed that stick to the werewolves. Herpo killed all the werewolves" 

James and Harry walked further and they saw a big hole in the ground. It was a big fall! James and Harry jumped into it and they hit their heads on the spiny walls and died. After 3 seconds, they opened their eyes, they survived the big fall and now they are in hell!

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