In a new world

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James was shocked seeing this land. Slowly, a stream of blue water started flowing from the mountain. James blinked his eye slowly, getting shocked seeing that the water's color started changing every 5 seconds. Harry said that they could be the 4th dimension. The land had a big hole leading to another place. The mountain water started flooding the place. Harry touched the water with his shoe. One piece of the shoe got burnt. Harry took his shoe away and ran towards James.

They thought of going through the hole. When they went there, it was an amazing land, filled with mushrooms the size of a tree. It was colorful and beautiful to see. But slowly James saw a white figure flying towards him, It said "You are not on Earth, you are in a completely different land" James understood that it was a fairy who was speaking to him. The fairy continued "You can never escape from here until you destroy this land and to destroy it is the hardest thing to do. If you cross the sea, you will reach the land where Satan hides after 1000 years in the pit. He had built a big bridge leading people from Earth to enter this land. He kills the people who have faith in God here. There are many wild creatures here, creatures which you do not know, some creatures will also help you. You should be very careful" It pointed out a small cave far away and said them both to go over there, after this, it disappeared into thin air.

They walked till the cave, Harry also complained that his leg is paining. At last, they reached the cave, they saw a leprechaun cooking something in a large pot. James said to it that the fairy told them to come here. Harry was looking around the cave, it was covered with leaves and rocks. The Leprechaun looked at them and said "The creatures in this land are very dangerous, especially the Queen of Dark hearts, there is no way to destroy this land without destroying her, and if you destroy her, you can go back to Earth in 3 minutes" Harry asked it "Who can kill it then?" The Leprechaun said "Typhon, but to meet it is not possible until you survive the big fall, because it is in hell now. To wake it up from the dead, you should learn special chants."

The Leprechaun wrote all the chants in a book and gave it to Harry. It also said that if you say any other chants, it will kill you both. Harry got scared after hearing this, they decided to go to hell, but the Leprechaun said "You cannot go there, it is too far, you need to cross all the wild creatures in your way. But some centaurs and chimeras may help you, be very careful, you can stay your entire night over here, start your journey from tomorrow" They both decided to stay the night over there. Harry was excited to see the mythical creatures in the land. James and Harry slept in the cave with the Leprechaun.

 They are in a new world. 

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