Chapter 17- Proud

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       All Might worked us until we could barely even breathe. I was drenched in sweat, my breathing came out as wheezes, and every single muscle in body twitched as I laid in the grass. We ended up spending all day training, taking only a few breaks here and there. The sun was now setting and All Might went for a small with Izuku as I laid there, trying to slowly recover. 

       My eyes remained closed as I let out a small moan in content as a cool breeze brushed against my heated skin. I opened my eyes to stare up at the pink and orange sky, completely relaxed and hypnotized. My began to think back to when Izuku was hovering over me, causing a little sigh to escape from my parted lips. His skin felt so right under my fingers, his eyes were like emerald diamonds, and....Stop it Y/n. I rubbed my face as a groan of frustration erupts from my chest. Damn it why was this happening, he's just a friend.

      The sound of the two males approaching caused me to sit up from where I laid as I watched them. I couldn't help but smile in awe as I watched them. All Might looked my a proud dad and Izuku just looked up at him in adoration. My cheeks tinted a light shade of pink when Izuku's eyes landed on mine and he gave me a shy smile. I stood up, dusting myself off as I approached them.
            "Well I believe you both did great today. Tomorrow, take the day to relax. I know Mr. Aizawa will be working you guys in class once you return." All Might says with his usual bright smile.
           "Thank you for taking time out of your day to help us." I smile up at him.
"Of course." He gives me a thumbs up, making me smile even wider.

      Izuku and I walked in silence as we made our way to my house. My hands were shoved in my pockets as I chewed on my bottom lip, trying to find the courage to say something.
            "A-Are you excited for the sports festival?" I ask him bashfully as I keep my head down to avoid eye contact.
           "Y-Yeah! Though, I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous." He confesses. I look over at him to see both of his hands behind his head, placed on his neck as he stares up at the sky, deep in thought.
        "Nervous abooouuutttt?"
        "If I can control my quirk by then or not, I don't want to hurt myself on live television. Besides, I want to make All Might proud and give it my all." He informs me. He looks over at me, giving me a small smile.
"I'll think you'll do great Izuku. Your the strongest person I know and I don't mean just your quirk. You have a strong heart, which is what matters most when it comes to being a hero." I tell him. I didn't notice he had stopped walking until I had taken 5 steps, no longer seeing his shadow besides mine. I turn around to see him staring at me with teary eyes. I walk over to him and take his face into my hands, wiping away a few stray tears off his cheek as he leans into my touch.
"I-I p-promise. I'll make you proud too sunshine." He stutters through his cries, giving me a bright smile.
"I'm already proud of you silly." I chuckle. I stand up on my tippy toes and place a gentle kiss on his forehead. He opens his lips to say something but his phone begins to ring in his pocket, causing me to drop my hands to my side as I watch him dig into his pocket to fish out his phone.

       I look aside as I listen to him talk on the phone who I assume was his mom. I couldn't help but smile a bit as I listened to the caring tone in his voice. He was 100% a mamma's boy and I loved it. He'd move heaven and earth for her. She was always so kind to me, looking out for you ever since Izuku introduced you as his best friend. She was like a 2nd mother to you.

Izuzku hangs up, shoving in phone into his pocket before looking back up at me.
"My mom would like to know if you'd like to come over for dinner?" He informs me.
"Absolutely! Do you mind if I stop by my house to tell Asahi and also take a shower? I smell like the earth." I chuckle a bit, rubbing the back of my neck.
"Of course!" He smiles brightly at me before we begin walking again towards my house.

      Once we arrive at my house, Izuku stays downstairs to talk to Asahi while I take a shower and change into some nice attire then my training clothes. I slip on my blue hoodie that had PLUS ULTRA printed on the front with little All Might imitation hair pieces on the hood part and some ripped skinny jeans before grabbing my phone and heading downstairs. Izuku and Asahi were in the kitchen as Asahi cooked dinner....for two?

I arch my brow, standing besides him as I look at the meal he is preparing.
"So......dinner for two huh?" I ask him causing his body to tense up a bit.
"Yeah....for leftovers." He responds shakily. I look over to the table behind us to see a bottle of wine and two fancy glasses that I think we used once during Christmas. What the heck? A smirk spreads across my cheeks as I lean my head over so Asahi could see me.
"What's her name?" I wiggle my eyebrows at him causing his cheeks to tint a shade of pink.
"I told you it's just me tonight." He responds nervously.
"Mhm well.....I hope you have a lovely night ALONE and you enjoy that delicious food ALONE...Can't wait to try those leftovers when I get back." I snicker as I make my way to the door as Izuku follows behind me, trying to contain his laughter. "Oh and Asahi!" I call out as I slip on my shoes.
"Use protection." I chuckle before leaving with Izuku behind me, shutting the door before I could hear his response.

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