39- Oops

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I woke up stiff, my body aching more then usual. I must've slept in a weird position. I nuzzle my face into my pillow and let out a heavy sigh, only to tense up at the sound of a soft groan coming from my pillow. My eyes open and widen at the sight before me. I was laying on the couch between Kacchan's legs and my head was on his stomach. I quickly sit up, pushing my body off of his and stand up. My cheeks were burning and my heart was pounding against my chest. I grab a pillow that had fallen onto the floor and slap Kacchan with it.

His eyes flash open angrily and he sits up quickly.
"WHAT THE HELL?!?!?" He shouts at me before his eyes widen to realize it was me he was yelling at and he wasn't at him.
"We fell asleep, we need to get to school right now or else we're going to be late." I inform him as I begin to scramble around the living room, picking up my school items as I go around.
"Shit." He mumbles under his breath as he begins to do the same.
"We can stop at your place to get a uniform then we really have to make a run for it." I inform him before rushing upstairs.

I quickly change into my uniform and attempt to brush out the tangled mess my hair was in before rushing back downstairs. As we were running out of the house, I was still trying to tuck in my shirt and tie my tie. I probably looked crazy. Kacchan grabbed my hand, not allowing me to fix my uniform and dragged me as he ran as fast as he could to his house.
"Will you slow down!!!" I shout at him, trying to keep ahold of my bag and his hand at the same time while praying my skirt didn't fall. All he did was grumble and stop in his tracks, suddenly picking me up and began to carry me as he ran. I yelped and wrapped my arms around his neck. "This isn't what I meant!!!" I screamed at him.
"Stop complaining!!!" He snaps at me with a smirk. I grumble and cling onto him until I can see his house come into view. He places me down and leads me inside, looking left and right to make sure no one was home before he led me inside.

      I remember coming over to his place on play dates when we were younger. His house really hasn't changed much, the only thing that was missing was the toys scattered all over the place. I went into the bathroom on the first level to make myself somewhat presentable while Kacchan rushed upstairs to change.

       As I was in the bathroom my phone began to ring causing me to jump a bit as I fumbled to pull it out of my bag.
            "Hello?" I answer frantically.
            "Hey! Where are you at? Class is about to start soon." Izuku asks me from the other end of the phone. He must've been at school waiting for me since he trained with All Might early this morning. I rub my forehead in frustration as I take a deep breath.
           "It's a long story, well not really. Just weird. Kacchan and I fell asleep studying making us over sleep. We're about to leave his place once he changes." I inform Izuku.
            "You fell asleep with Kacchan?" Izuku asks is disbelief.
              "Yeaahhh we'll be there soon." I inform him as I rub the back of my head.
              "Okay, I'll see you then. Please be safe." He responds.
               "I will. See you at school broccoli boy." I chuckle a bit.

       Hey guys I know this chapter is really short and it is because I just want to apologize for my absence. I won't go into details but basically my mother in-law and I really got into it and she kicked me out.

         My boyfriend saw how much she stressed me out, hurt me, and basically made my life a living hell while I was there. I was constantly sick, depressed, and a lot of other stuff because of her. So.

        WE GOT AN APARTMENT. And I am so frickin happy. My puppies can run around freely, I can be myself, my boyfriend can be his self, we have an office for my art and his pc for privacy and we are overall just so happy. We moved in two weeks ago and I needed some time to get things settled before I came back but.

       IM BACK BABIES AND READY TO GET BACK IN MOTION! and I gotta hurry up because season 5 is already out!!!!

        Before I end this very short chapter I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you so much for the support, the amazing comments. And I wish I could thank all of you individually and tell you how much a few words meant to me but that'd take forever so instead of that, I will be updating more frequently, adding some bonuses, and whatever you guys want! So comment what you'd like to see either in this story, other stories, or whatever!!! I love you guys and thank you so much!

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