Chapter 6- Heros Vs. Villains

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        First up.
Heros Izuku Midoriya with Y/n Hikaru Vs. villains Tenya Iida and Katsuki Bakugou.

My heart sinks into my stomach as I read the first group of pairs that would spar. All color drained from my skin as I stared at the board. This must be a mistake. I can't fight against Iida and Kacchan. I'm going to die. But I didn't even get to say goodbye to my brother.

"Uh y/n?" I heard Izuku call out softly. I slowly turned to face him, causing his eyes to widen in fear at my face.
"We're gonna die." I tell him weakly. He sighs before grabbing my hand and leads me towards our beginning spot. I look down at his hand as he grips onto mine, feeling a small blush spread across my cheeks.
        "We can do this y/n! Remember plus ultra!" He cheers before looking back at me with his bright smile. I let out a small laugh before giving him the same smile in return.

We jog down an alleyway, listening to All Might count down to 1, announcing that we may begin. Our goal? Capture the bomb that the villains were hiding in one of these large buildings. We both stopped after while, listening out for Iida or Kacchan.
"So what's the plan?" I ask him. I look over at him to see him wide eyed and lost in a daze. "Okay then lets brain storm one now before they find us." I smile. After a little bit, we finally agree on a plan that would get us to win for sure!
"Ready sunshine?" He looks over at me giving me a....smirk? My cheeks heat up a bit as I look aside trying to hide my blush.
"Ye-" I was cut off by a loud explosion.

My eyes widened as I watched Kacchan force his way towards his with his explosions, forcing his foot into my chest causing me to be shoved back into a brick wall. I groan out in pain feeling the impact of the walk against my back before falling onto my hands and knees. I look up to see Kacchan had the front of Izuku's costume clenched in his hand as he held Izuku up, ready to set off an explosion.
"Izuku!!" I call out, getting up and making my way towards them.
"Go!!!" Izuku shouts at me before landing a punch right on Kacchan's cheek. I stumble back a bit as I watch them begin to get really into. Izuku's eyes seemed to grow as his punches began to hit Kacchan with more force. He's going to kill Izuku...But I have to stick to the plan...

I run in the opposite direction, sprinting as fast as I can towards the building Iida was supposed to be in with the bomb. But the sound of explosions behind me caused me to look over my shoulder in fear.
"YOUR MINE YOU DAMN NERD!!" Kacchan screams as he blasts his way towards me. I quickly turn and blast a stream of light towards him in an attempt to get him off my trail. He gets blown back a bit causing him to yell out in frustration. Before he can charge back at me, Izuku comes out of no where punching him so hard they go through a brick wall of a nearby building.
"IM DONE RUNNING FROM YOU!! FROM NOW ON DEKU IS THE NAME OF A HERO!!" He shouts at Kacchan. My heart seems to stop as I stare at them with wide eyes. What the hell.....How did he get so strong?!? I turn back around and continue you running towards my goal, trying as hard as I can to focus.

I enter the building and rush up the stairs as fast as I can. I can feel the ground tremble beneath me from Izuku's and Kacchan's fight acouple buildings down. I had to hurry, I needed to get the bomb and make it back in time to stop Kacchan from hurting Izuku. Once I arrive on the level below Iida and the bomb, I aim my hand up at the ceiling, shooting a weak beam up causing the ceiling slowly begin to heat up which would hopefully slightly burn Iida's feet causing him to panic.

There's a sudden shock of pain that radiates throughout my side as I feel something harshly hit me, sending me into a nearby wall. I cry out in pain, landing on my stomach. I look over to see it was Iida who had used his engine powered legs to kick me.
"YOU WILL NEVER STOP ME HERO!!" He shouts at me dramatically. Damn he was really getting into this. I slowly stand up, and give him a wide smile as I bend my legs a bit, taking a stance.
"I don't plan on stopping anytime soon!" I remark back at him. I charge towards him, dodging his kicked that was aimed at my head and punch his side with all my strength, landing right under his ribs then sending a blast of heat towards him. After sending him back a bit, I aim my hand up into the air as I shut my eyes tightly. "This might hurt a bit." I announce before a bright light is emitted from my hands.

After a few seconds, I open my eyes to see that Iida was leaning against the wall as he reached his hands out to feel around him. He would be blind for 5 minutes. I had 5 minutes to get the bomb.

I rushed over the the stairs, hope beginning to rush through me as I see the entrance to the next level. But suddenly, I was falling. I let out a small gasp as I felt the ground underneath me give out due to a large impact and than a large explosion.
"Damnit!" I cry out. I grab onto a piece of metal that was sticking out of a piece of the cement. I begin to pull myself up before I notice Iida on the ground below me. He was still blind due to my light strobe and he was defenseless as the building began to crumble around us.

I let out a heavy sigh before letting go of the piece of metal. I land next to Iida, gently wrapping his arm around my neck.
"Use me as support until you can see again. We need to get out of here, the building is falling apart." I announce to Iida.
"But the test-" He began to point out.
"Fuck the test Iida, villain or not I gotta help you!" I snap at him, cutting him off. I dodge the pieces of debris falling around us and make my way out of the building with Iida. I gently place him down on the curb before looking back up at the building.

"I'll be right back!" I announce to him before running inside. I climb on the pieces of large cement, trying to reach the bomb that was now slumped in a corner. I had to finish. So I could stop the stupid fighting. Before I can jump forward, a large piece of debris lands on my foot catching me. I cry out in pain as I feel it crush my foot. "A-Almost there." I huff out, reaching out the farthest I can.

My fingers gently tap the bomb causing a sigh of relief to escape my lips as I hear All Might over the loud speakers.
"The Test is now over, heros have won!" He announces. But the loud explosions continue. They won't stop. I let out a groan as I shove the debris off my foot and hobble over to where the loud sounds of fighting was coming from.

I leaned against the doorframe, watching in horror as the two boys in front of me were practically taring each other apart. Kacchan was bruised and scraped up while Izuku had two broken arms.
"STOP IT!!!" I cry out. It didn't work though, Kacchan sent Izuku flying into a wall, while Izuku just bounced off going straight towards Kacchan with a forceful punch. With all the strength I had left, I hold my hand up in the air and shut my eyes close once again as a strobe escapes my finger tips.

It grew silent. When I opened my eyes, both of the boys had gone temporarily blind. Kacchan was on the ground on his hands and knees with a sour expression.
"You fucking idiots!!! First Deku gets a stupid quirk and now your dumbass shows up as if you never left.....I HATE YOU!!!" He screams. I let out a small sigh as I slide down the doorframe, feeling the warmth of my quirk leave my body. I used my quirk too many times in a short time span, so now I was loosing heat which meant I was becoming weak.

But at least it was over. We won.

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