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Before we knew it, it was time for our physical exams. The president of class 1-B told us that a upper class man that she knew told her we would be fighting robots like the entrance exam but something felt off about that idea. While my classmates all somewhat relaxed at the idea of fighting just robots I couldn't help but stay on edge. This is UA after all, they wouldn't make it that easy.....Right?

As we waited, we were finally approached my Mr. Aizawa followed by a few of our other teachers and pro heros.
"Alright listen up. We know you all thought that today we would be letting you guys pass easily by fighting robots.....Well think again.....We have pre-selected you into pairs and you will be fighting against an assigned teacher." Mr. Aizawa informs us. The tension in our group was so thick not even a knife could slice through it. I could feel my stomach drop and sweat beginning to build up at my brow. I looked over at Izuku who had the same expression as I did. His eyes were wide and curious, worried, and just as confused as mine.

I inched closer to him but paused once my eyes traveled down. Ochako was gripping onto Izuku's hand nervously as she listened to Mr. Aizawa. At that moment, everything went blank. I don't remember listening to a single thing Mr. Aizawa said, all I heard was a faint ringing noise and the sound of my heart rapidly beating against my chest. He didn't brush her off and let go. He allowed her to hold his hand during this entire time.

I didn't realize I was staring for so long until I felt someone nudge my shoulder. I blinked my eyes rapidly for a few times to look up and see Iida had his hand firmly on my shoulder.
"Are you alright? You have been unresponsive for quite awhile." Iida asks. I look around and see that Izuku, Ochako, and Todoroki have been standing there, waiting on me. I shake my head a bit before slapping my cheeks.
"Yep all good. Just zoned out ya know? So......what's happening?" I ask sheepishly as I rub my back of my head.
"WERE YOU NOT PAYING ATTENTION THIS ENTIRE TIME?!?!" Iida shouts at me in disappointment. I give him a small smile before looking down.
"I wish I was, but I got really lost in thought and before I knew it, it was time. All I remember is that we're going against teachers in pairs. This is really embarrassing, I....." I take a shaky breath as I realize I had began to tear up.

I guess I was letting the stress get to me. The constant run in with villains, the injuries, feeling as if I'm falling behind everyone, getting jealous over nothing, and now this. Not paying attention to one of the most important exams I'll take. What the hell is wrong with me? Was this too much? Was being a hero not meant to be? Am I going to crack under the pressure before I even get to begin........

"Im sorry I haven't been myself lately." I give him a wide grin as I wipe my eyes. Iida's eyes soften as he stares down at me and his firm look or disapproval turns into one of concern.
"No it's quite alright I didn't realize you were under so much stress, my apologies.....You were assigned with Todoroki to defeat or escape from Mr. Aizawa. You two will be the first to present yourselves. You both are being given 15 minutes to come up with a plan while the rest of us have until our turns." He explains to me.

I nod and take a deep breath before turning to look over at Todoroki. He had his plain expression on his face like always but that didn't stop me from flashing him a large grin.
"Well now that I'm all caught up, it seems like your stuck with me! Let's go hatch up a plan Ice cube!" I shout in encouragement, elbowing him playfully.
"Ice cube?" He asks in confusion.
"Yeah cause you're all square and proper and your power or at least one is cold. So ice cube." I explain. He just stares at me in confusion. I sigh and grab his arm as I begin to lead him away from the others, "I'll explain it later."

As I'm walking away the weight of someone pulling me back by grabbing my hand forces me to stop and look over to see Izuku.
"Hey you sure your okay?" He asks in concern. I look over at Ochako who had the same look of concern before I looked back at Izuku and smiled tightly.
"Never better. Good luck out there....Deku." I squeeze his hand before pulling it out of his grip and follow Todoroki down a hallway, towards our waiting area before our exam.

Before I knew it, it was time for the exam. I wasn't really sure how we were going to pull this off and our plan wasn't really solid but, it was something. And even though Mr. Aizawa had weights and etc holding him back, it would only do so much. Besides his quirk doesn't have much to do with anything physical, meaning we're going to have to really out think him if we want to win this.

We were led to a fake suburban area before we were left alone. As the clock timed down, we ran. I followed Todoroki, not wanting to mess up any part of the plan. Basically, he would be my shield and distraction while I found a way out. It was an easy win but manageable considering we were going up against such a cunning teacher.

We turned right down an alley way and as we entered a main road, a tight force wrapped around my torso and arms before pulling me back.
"SHOTO!!" I yelped as I was pulled away from him. I was pulled towards the one and only Eraser head as he stared Todoroki down. Todoroki shifted his foot but nothing happened, no ice, no spikes. Nothing. Wait a minute. He can only stop one persons quirk at a time right?! And it stops once he closes his eyes!! "EYES!!" I shout to Shoto.

Once his arm is over his eyes, I clench my fist the best I can and let out a bright strobe in an attempt to blind Eraser Head. Once my strobe ends, there's a cool chill sent up my body and ice spikes separate me and Eraser head, allowing me to escape from his scarf. I quickly run behind Todoroki in an attempt to get as far away from Mr. Aizawa.
"I think I have a new idea to use your quirk against him! How long does your strobe last?" Todoroki asks from ahead of me.
"Depending on the size up to 30 minutes but that's less energy for me. He'll be blind for 5 minutes right now!" I shout at him. He turns sharply into an alley and pulls me aside.
"I want you to let out your largest strobe and once he's blinded I'll get him while you make a run for it." He instructs me.
"That isn't-"
"Don't worry about me, as long as you find the exit we'll be okay. I can handle him on my own." He reassures me.
"That's not what I'm worried about Shoto." I point out.
"Then what are you worried about?" He asks me. I stare at him for a moment before looking down at the ground. His plan was solid, I should just let him lead since my head isn't in the game right now.
"Nothing, it's a good plan."

There was a large thud on the roof above us, indicating our 5 minutes were up. He had already found us...It was time for the plan.

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