38- Study

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      Todoroki took me to recovery girl with Mr. Aizawa before wishing me a speedy recovery and leaving. Mr. Aizawa was upset that I hid my previous injuries from him and I felt terrible about hiding it from him so.....I told him....everything. First he seemed mad but then....he just remained silent as he stood there with his arms crossed.
           "You 4 may have defeated villains that day but if you want to become heros that means staying alive and healthy...So if you could not get injured everytime you are challenged would be appreciated." He sighs heavily. A small smirk slowly appears on his face causing me to smile a bit.
          "Yes sir, it won't happen again.....or soon. Can't promise much though." He chuckles at my response and begins to make his way out of the nurses office.
            "I'll see you tomorrow in class." He calls out to me before leaving. I watch him as he leaves before focusing on recovery girl as she covers me in kisses.

Once I was somewhat healed, I was allowed to leave and grab my stuff from class before heading home. Izuku had been texting me but it was hard to text him back while I was in recovery until now.

Broccoli Boi 🥦: hey I heard what happened, are you alright?

Broccoli boi 🥦: hey are you still with recovery girl? I'm worried about you

Broccoli boi 🥦: I hope you're alright

Broccoli Boi 🥦: I'll wait outside for you❤️

My heart melted at his texts of concern and that put a little pump back into my step as I made my way outside. Once I got out there, I couldn't find him. He wasn't at the steps or near the gates, he was nowhere to be seen. I waited outside for him for about 20 minutes, trying to think of reasons why he wasn't there. Maybe he's in the bathroom? Or maybe he's talking with All Might? Or he was kidnapped by the league of villains and they're going to use him for a ransom to get All Might.....Damn I need to stop reading fan fictions.

With a heavy sigh, I stood up from my spot on the steps and made my way home without Izuku. I was worried about where he was, hoping he wasn't hurt and maybe he just forgot but I was also bummed out because I wanted some alone time with him today. Also my body hurts like hell and I was hoping he'd carry me home. But instead I had to not be lazy, suck up the pain and walk home alone.

      I couldn't help but think back to today. Not only did I get jealous over nothing causing me to fuck up during training, but I told classmates Izuku and I were dating. It's not that it wasn't true, but now it'll probably get more attention then it should and heck maybe Izuku wasn't ready for that. I'm not even sure if I was....

By the time I had gotten home, the sun was almost completely down and I'm sure Asahi wasn't going to be thrilled about me coming home late but it wasn't my fault honestly. I was waiting on Izuku and then I was walking super slow cause my body hurts soooo he can just suck it!!! As I was approaching my house, I saw a familiar green haired boy sitting on my front step. Thank god he's alive.

         As I made my way over to him, he looked up and flashed me a large grin before standing up.
         "Hey Y/n! I'm sorry I wasn't at the school, Uraraka asked me to walk her home." He informs me once I reach him. The familiar tight sensation began to grow in my chest but I ignored it and gave him a tight smile. 
           "That's fine, that was really nice of you." I respond, knowing that I was mentally screaming at him as jealously seeped out of me.
"Yeah, she had a scratch on her leg and I wanted to make sure she was alright." He informs me. He spoke so incorrectly while all I wanted to do was scream. Okay no big deal, she has a scratch and needed help while my body is falling apart. Jeez, jealousy really does make you a nasty person. I give him a tight smile causing my eyes to squint a bit.
"Awe that sucks, I hope she's okay. I'll text her later. So do you want to come in and have dinner or are you going to head home?" I ask him, trying my best to calm down internally.
"I'm going to head home, I totally forgot-." He began to inform me but the sound of my phone ringing cut him off. I reached into my bag and grabbed my phone, pulling it out to see Kacchan was calling me.

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