Chapter 14- Crash

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Izuku and I walked side by side towards my house in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence, it was comfortable as we thought about today's events. Both of us seemed to be pretty shaken up but none of us told each other it. It's like we already knew. It was embarrassing, crying like a big baby in front of Izuku and All Might but I had been shaken to the core. My emotions all over the place.

I looked over at Izuku who seemed to be deep in thought. I looked down at his wrapped up fingers, feeling guilt rush over me. If I was faster I could've done something to save us and prevent Izuku from hurting himself.
"Thank you." I mumble suddenly, causing Izuku to look over at me.
"For what y/n?" He asks curiously.
"You saved my life multiple times today, you did Thank you." I respond, giving him a small smile.
"You know you saved us too, not just me but Mr. Aizawa too. If you wouldn't have done something, he wouldn't be alive Y/n." He responds. You jumped up and saved Mr. Aizawl and me...I'm the one who should be thanking you." He smiles over at me, causing my cheeks to heat up a bit. Tears prickle the corner of my eyes as I playfully shove Izuku's head causing him to stumble sideways a hit.
"You're going to make me cry broccoli boy." I giggle. He chuckles a bit, rubbing the back of his neck as his cheeks turn pink.
"I'm sorry sunshine." He chuckles.

As we enter my house, I peek my head into the kitchen then the living room before furrowing my brows.
"ASAHI!!" I call out loudly. There was no response though. "Hmm guess he's still at work. Oh well, you hungry?" I ask Izuku, looking over my shoulder.
        "Oh please don't worry about that, I don't want to be an inconvenience." He waves his hands in front of his face, giving me a shy smile.
       "Nonsense! You are not only my guest, but my best friend and we've been through absolute shit today!" I grab his hand and lead him into the kitchen. He chuckles a bit, his cheeks red at the sudden contact. "Alright lets see, want some fruit?" I offer.
        "Yeah that'd be great. Thank you." He smiles. I nod and go into the fridge, pulling out some fruit like strawberries, mandarins, grapes, and kiwi, slicing them up and putting them onto a large plate. I grab some water bottles, placing them under my arm before I lead Izuku upstairs to my bedroom.
        "Is your brother still working with that big law firm?" Izuku asks me.
        "Yeah, he got a huge promotion last year and that's how we were able to move back and get this place." I inform him.
         "Was it hard coming back?" He asks suddenly. I stop in my tracks, my heart sinking into my stomach as my throat burned a bit as I tried my best to hide my emotions.
         "Y-yeah, but it was....kinda nice too. Brought back some good memories." I confess.

Honestly, I hadn't thought about it until he mentioned it. I tried to push those thoughts far back into my mind but I knew eventually they would resurface.


I was 6 years old. My brother was 13. We were both at home with the baby sitter who was the daughter of our neighbor. They were super sweet, never minding when my parents asked them to watch us.

I laid on the floor as I colored in my All Might coloring book while my brother scrolled through the different channels on the tv. We could hear the doorbell ring before the young girl, Kiyoko made her way down the stairs and to the door. She opens it revealing two police officers who asked to speak with her and her mother.

I went back to coloring in my little book, not caring much for why they police were there. It wasn't any of our business so we remained where we were, focusing on our own things. Suddenly, one of the police offers kneel besides me and watches me color.
"You like All Might?" The man asks me. I look up at him and give him a bright smile as I push myself up to sit up on the floor.
"Yeah!!! He's the best hero ever!!! He always has a smile on his face and never gives up!!" I cheer enthusiastically. The police officer chuckles, giving me a weak smile that slowly falls into a frown. Before he can say anything my brother lets out a sob deep within his chest as the other police officer who was talking to him places a hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him. I look at the police officer in confusion, tilting my head to the side.
"What's wrong? Why is everyone so sad?" I ask him. He sighs, looking over at his partner as if he dreaded every moment of what was happening.
"Your parents......There was an accident and.....your parent's car was flipped over multiple times, killing them both......I'm so sorry...." The police offer informs me.

My eyes stayed on my coloring book beneath me as I stared at it, the police officer's words echoing in my head. Tears flowed freely down my cheeks as my body became paralyzed. My brother rushed over to my side and held me as he cried loudly. But I was silent....It was like the shock had taken away my voice....leaving me to sit there silently as pain surged through me.

       After that, we moved away to live with our Aunt and cousins before my brother was finished with college and got a good paying job. He decided he'd take me back home and finish raising me. He's worked hard every day to provide for me and I was forever grateful for the love and support from Asahi.

End of flashback~

I opened my bedroom door, allowing Izuku in as I lean against the door frame, watching him enter. I took a deep breath, pushing down my emotions before giving him a bright smile.
"So you said you had more questions for me?"

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