Chapter 15- Asahi

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I laid on my bed, looking at Izuku upside down as he sat on the floor besides my head. He held his stomach as his tried to calm down his laughter while tears pricked at the corners of my own as I laughed. After answering his questions, we ended up just goofing off, talking about the past. It was nice after a long day like today.

I could hear the door slam shut as footsteps rushed up the stairs. Izuku and I's eyes landed on the door as my brother bursted in with wide eyes and a look of panic.
"I HEARD WHAT HAPPENED!!! ARE YOU OKAY?!? DID THEY HURT YOU?!?? DO YOU NEED THERAPY FOR PTSD?!?! LET ME LOOK AT YOU!!" He bombards me with questions as he drags me out of bed, forcing me to stand up as he examines me to make sure I'm still in tact.
"Asahi I'm fine! Please calm down." I sigh, rubbing my back of my neck. After he examines me, his eyes land on mine before tears begin to stream down his chest and he pulls me into his embrace.
"I heard that you got involved with the fight. What were you thinking? You could've gotten killed y/n." He cries into my shoulder. I sigh and pat his back as I return his embrace.
"I had to protect my friends and teacher....Mr. Aizawa could've died and we need him." I inform him.
"Well I need you alive too you know. I can't loose mom and dad and then loose you too." He sniffles before pulling away.
"You won't loose me, remember your stuck with me for life." I joke, giving him a bright smile. He gives me a weak smile in return before he looks over my head at Izuku who was watching from his spot on the floor.
"Sorry about that! Izuku Midoriya right? Man you've grown up!" My brother chuckles a bit, wiping his face as he approaches Izuku.
"Yeah, it's nice to see you again....Just so you know.....your sister was a hero today....she saved us. You should be proud of her. I know I am." Izuku informs him as he looks over at me. My cheeks heat up abit as I look aside, trying to avoid his eyes.
"I couldn't be more proud. And because I'm so proud, how about we order some pizza?" My brother asks.
"HECK YEAH!!!" I cheer throwing my fist up in the air.
"That sounds nice, thank you very much." Izuku says politely.

As we sat around the living, eating pizza as we talked, I couldn't help but notice how Izuku's eyes kept wander over to mine, causing both of us to take our eyes away from each other while blushing like crazy. I'm sure my brother probably noticed by now and was already planning our wedding while I couldn't even muster up the balls to talk to Izuku about my feelings. I can't let this ruin our friendship. There's a 99% chance he doesn't feel the same way about me.

        As it began to get late, Izuku decided it was probably best to head home so after saying goodbye to my brother who was cleaning up, I walked him outside.
               "Thanks for coming over today. I had a lot of fun broccoli head." I smile at him.
            "Thank you for having me, I had a lot of fun today too.....maybe we could....hang out again....soon." Izuku responds hesitantly with red cheeks. My cheeks heat up as I look at him with slightly widened eyes and a goofy smile.
         "Yep. Of course. That'd be cool." I ramble nervously. It became silent between us as both of us avoided eye contact with each other, afraid of embarrassing ourselves once again.
"Do you maybe want to train tomorrow? I know we won't have any classes for the next two days because of the attack so.....might as well take advantage of that since the sports festival is coming up." Izuku finally looks at me, giving me a shy smile.
"Sure, I'd love to." I honestly forgot about the sports festival, it was something I've been looking forward to for years now.
"Really? Great! I'll meet you here around 7, if that's okay?" Izuku asks me cheerfully.
"Sounds perfect." I smile at him, a small blush tinting my cheeks as my stomach begins to do flips and turns. Izuku and me training. Alone.
"Great. I'll see you then!!! See you tomorrow sunshine." He gives me a bright smile before he heads down the road.


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