Chapter 12- I AM HERE

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That information didn't seem to settle with the man. He began to scratch violently at his neck, deep in thought. This is my chance, maybe if I take him out, the Nomu will retreat with the rest of the villains. Then we can get Mr. Aizawa to Recovery girl.
"We can't win if a bunch of pro heros show up, damnit. And I was really looking forward to finishing this, we're leaving." The man with hands informs the other villain as he stops scratching. They're retreating? All ready? I thought they came here for All Might? Even if they do try to retreat. I can't let them get away. "But before we leave, let's make sure the symbol of peace is broken, let's wreck his pride." He comments.

It was so fast......I didn't even see him move. One second he was far away from me and the next, he was only inches away. His arm extended out towards me as his hand hovered over my face. He's going to kill me. I couldn't move, I felt frozen where I stood.
"Let's make this hurt." He growls down at me. Images of what happened to Mr. Aizawa's elbow flashed in my mind as I began to think about what was about to happen to me. I'm going to die, but at least I did it while protecting my teacher and my classmates. I took in a sharp breath as he now hovered over me.

I shut my eyes tightly, awaiting the pain to surge through me but instead. All I felt was the cold, rough hand grip my face slightly. I slowly open my eyes in shock. I'm not dead.
"You really are so cool." He comments above me. I look over the best I can to see Mr. Aizawa's hair floating up once again, his eyes filled with determination. He had stopped his quirk just in time. He saved me...The Nomu jumped onto Mr. Aizawa, slamming his head into the ground causing my eyes to widen with fear.
"GET AWAY FROM HER!!!" Izuku shouted, now besides me suddenly. My eyes widen as he aimed his fast at the man who held my face. A gush of wind forced me back, causing me land onto my side as I was now free from the man's grasp. That had to have knocked him out. There's no way his frail frame could withstand Izuku's punch.

When the cloud of dust began to clear, my eyes landed upon Izuku's fist. It didn't hit him....instead the Nomu had jumped in front of the man and blocked the attack. Fear rushed through me as I began to panic. He didn't even seem fazed by that punch and I know Izuku used 100% of his strength.
"IZUKU!!" I called out, standing up quickly and running over to him, trying to get his attention but it was too late. The nomu grabs Izuku's arm and raises its fist, ready to kill him with one strike. The man with the hand over his face catches sight of me and charges at me, catching me off guard as he attempts to reach for my face once again. "CLOSE YOUR EYES!" I shout out before lifting up my hand and letting out a bright strobe. With my eyes close, I lift my other hand to release a stream of light towards the Nomu in an attempt to burn him or even throw him back a bit so Izuku could escape.

Just as my strobe is released, there's a large bang from the entrance of the USJ. I slowly opened my eyes as I saw him enter the building, still in his yellow suit. His bright, bold smile was spread across his face like it did in every battle. I couldn't help but let out a small sob as relief was sent throughout my body.
"A-All might." I whisper in a cry to myself.
"Have no fear students, I am here." He announces proudly. I look over to see the man with the hand over his face on the ground, blinded by my strobe. The nomu had its eyes now on All Might, obviously unaffected by my bright light or my blast.
"I-Is that All Might?" Mineta cries out from the water. I look over at him and Tsu as they slowly open their eyes, thankfully not blinded by my strobe. I look over at Izuku who's eyes were open and focused on All Might as well.
"Well it seems our game is going to continue.." The villain comments.

The Nomu and All might charged at each other, allowing me to rush over to Izuku. I help him up, as the sounds of footsteps approach us. I look over my shoulder to see Kirishima, Kacchan, and Todoroki standing behind us ready to fight. All Might and the Nomu began to punch rapidly at each other, causing wind to pick up and forcing everyone back. I applied as much pressure as I could onto my feet as I tried to hold my ground.
"They're fighting head on!" Izuku comments from besides me.
"They're too fast!" Kirishima adds as he blocks his face from the forceful wind. I watch them fight closely, feeling anxiety fill me. How long can All Might fight like this? With his injury, he won't be able to stay in this form for much longer. No...he can do it.
"COME ON ALL MIGHT!!!" I shout out towards him. He glances over his shoulder at me, giving me a thumbs up before he sends the Nomu flying back with one punch.

The punches he directed towards the Nomu was more than 100% of his powers and I knew this would take a toll on his body, but there was no stopping at this point. He just needed to win. They were now in a different part of the USJ as they continued to fight until suddenly, All Might landed one strong punch, sending the Nomu up and through the roof of the USJ. We all watched in awe as the Nomu disappeared from our sights. Holy shit.

"That was like a finishing move in a video game, he just punched the shock absorption right out of him." Kirishima comments.
"Imagine having strength like that...He must've been punching that monster so fast he couldn't regenerate." Kacchan adds. I look over at them, studying their facial expressions. I couldn't help but smile a bit as Kacchan stared at All Might in awe, like he used to when we were kids and we'd watch All Might fight villains on tv.

All Might stood in front of the man with the hand and the portal man, standing tall over them.
"You've been bested villains! Surrender now and we can end this quickly." He demands. The man with the hand on his face began to scratch his neck violently as he stared at All Might in anger. My strobe must've warn off by now, he didn't seem in a daze anymore.
"No." He growls simply. He turns to leave as a portal opens for him, but before he could exit he was shot in all his limbs causing him to fall.

Everyone's attention turned to the entrance of the USJ as our teachers, pro heros hovered above us ready for action...But it was still too late....The portal villain scooped up his partner and rushed through the portal.

All Might might've won that day and no one was killed but....for some reason I felt like we still lost. Not only did villains find a way to infiltrate our school but they got away.....

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