29- Gran Torino

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Before we knew it, we were all at the train station huddled together with our class before our departure to meet our pro heros. Iida of course demanded that everyone stayed close, stayed in alphabetical order, and we stayed focus on Mr. Aizawa. It was hard to focus though, I was to excited for my internship. I was practically jogging in place and I clenched onto my case that contained my costume.

       As I was fidgeting around, I was completely oblivious to my friend who was speaking to me until he smacked me in the back of the head causing me to snap out of it.
           "Owwwwww." I whine as I rub the back of my head. "That hurt!"
            "WERE YOU EVEN LISTENING YOU IDIOT?!?!" Kacchan shouts at me angrily.
            "Well I am now, what do you want?!" I grumble as I pout up at him.
             "I asked you who the hell you were interning with?" He asks me now a bit calmer.
             "Gran Torino, he's an old pro hero but he requested Izuku and I so we decided to take it." I inform him. He lets out a tch and rolls his eyes at me.
            "Why would you go with a nobody when you were offered internships with pro heros like Endeavor?" He asks me with a raised brow. I look over at Izuku who was talking to Uraraka causing me to smile a bit before I focused back on Kacchan.
         "It's kind of complicated but I guess the non-complicated reason would be because I think this hero can teach me something that no one else can." I respond.
          "And what the hell is that?"
           "Y/n!! Our train is here!! We have to go!" Izuku calls out to me causing me to turn around and see him goofily waving at me. I chuckle and turn back to Kacchan to see his annoyed pout once again on his face. He wouldn't understand even if I did sit here all day and tried to explain it. I let out a small huff of air and punch his arm causing him to grumble.
       "I'll see you in two weeks Kacchan, good luck with best jeanist. And try to stay out of trouble." I tease before jogging over to Izuku and joining him on our train.

Izuku and I take our seats in the back of the train since our stop was practically the last stop. I leaned my head against the cool glass of the window and let out a small sigh as I allowed myself to go deep into my thoughts. It's crazy how much I've been through already. Fighting villains, dealing with boy drama, almost dying.....It's a lot to take in. And now I'm going to go train with the man who trained All Might, this sounds like something out of a manga or tv show.

         I look over at Izuku who was reading some news article on his phone about the recent Hero Killer attack. I tried to ignore any news on it since it scared me so much. The idea of this crazy guy killing countless heros made me sick to my stomach, especially thinking about Iida's brother who was recently attacked but lived. Police and heros have been unsuccessful in catching him and it seems like he doesn't intend on stopping anytime soon.

After a 45 minute train ride we finally arrived at our destination. Izuku and I walked down the street, occasionally stopping to ask for directions as we tried to figure out where Gran Torino's agency was at. But no one knew who we were talking about so at this point we were just walking until we found a building with the same numbers as Izuku's directions.

After about 30 minutes of walking in a circle we discovered that the building we were looking for was right in front of us. We walked passed it so many times, completely ignoring it because it looked abandoned. The brick was faded in large patches scattered all over the building, founding was cracked and seemed ready to collapse in any second, and there was a yellow barricade blocking off the nearby alleyway. A crooked welcome sign hung above the entrance and graffiti littered some areas of the building.

I looked over at Izuku who had the same expression as I did. Our faces were sunken and we seemed to be hit with the feeling of dread as we looked at the pathetic building in front of us.
"Please tell me it's the building next door or something." I grumble at Izuku as he sighs heavily.
"According to the address All Might gave me, this is it."
"This place looks abandoned." I point out, tilting my head to the side a bit. Izuku chuckles and looks over at me.
"Starting to wish you went with a famous pro hero instead?" He asks. I punch his arm playfully causing him to stumble forward a bit.
"No way!!! He trained the All Might, so he must be awesome. Even if he does live in some dump." I huff out. He chuckles at my sudden change in attitude and flashes me his bright smile. I return the smile and straighten my posture in an attempt to look more serious and professional. "Let's get this training started, you Ready?!" I ask Izuku enthusiastically in an attempt to raise his spirits.
"Ready!!!" We walk up the few stairs in front of the building and knock twice but there was no answer. I push open the large red door, seeing nothing but a dark room.
"Hello!! We're here from UA High School, I'm Y/n Hikaru and this is Izuku Midoriya. It's a pleasure to meet y-" I begin to announce as I push open the door further but I quickly halt once my eyes land on the body on the floor.

Fear and panic begins to set in as I stare at the body as a loud shriek is let out. Blood was all over the floor as the body of the lifeless old man was sprawled out.
"Hey what's wrong-HE'S DEAD!!!!" Izuku screams once his eyes land on the body that I was staring at. At this point we were both screaming in fear until the head of the body popped up to reveal an old man that was still very much alive as he smiled at us.
"I'm alive." He states from the floor.
"HE'S ALIVE!!" I cheer happily over Izuku's screams.

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