45- Her

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       Instead of going back to the monitor room, Kirishima and I found a quiet hallway to hide out in while everyone finished their exams. I felt bad for making Kirishima stay with me but he insisted upon it since I seemed so distraught. He attempted to cheer me up but nothing really worked, I would just give him a weak smile and nod as I stared at my hands in front of me.

           After awhile there was an announcement over the loud speaker, instructing us that we could change and leave for the day. And that our rest results would be revealed tomorrow during home room. I began to get up with Kirishima and We headed to the locker room in silence. I noticed him glancing over at me occasionally but he didn't say anything. He looked like a sad puppy that had been left alone in a cage. I didn't want my bad mood to affect, that wasn't fair.

         As we approach the locker rooms he turns to look at me one last time. This time my eyes meet his and I give him a weak smile.
                 "I'll be okay Kirishima. I promise." I reassure him. He nods and gives me one more tight hug before letting me go.
                 "If you need anything just let me know, okay?"
                 "Thanks.....I appreciate it." I wave my hand slightly before entering the girls locker rooms.

         The rest of the girls in my class had already began to get undressed and ready to leave for the day. They were chatting and laughing away as I entered the room. I made my way over to my locker silently and began to change, not saying a word or looking at anyone.

          There was a small tap on my shoulder causing me to look up and see Tsu standing besides me.
               "Good job during the exam. I heard you and Todoroki actually caught Mr. Aizawa." Tsu says happily. I force a fake smile at her and now before going back to undressing. She tilts her head before taking a step closer to me. "Are you alright Y/n?" She asks me. I take a shaky breath in an attempt to stay calm,
            "I'm fine Tsu, just tired and ready to go home." I respond. She places her finger on her chin and tilts her head slightly.
             "But Midoriya said you and him were seeing each other this evening. Something about a movie or hanging out. That's nice of you guys being so close even out of school." My heart aches and I can feel the tears begin to brim at the corners of my eyes.
             "Oh yeah....I forgot about that...." I pull out my phone and scroll through my contracts until I land on Izuku's.
             "He was talking about it most of the day." Tsu adds.

       Should I text him? Maybe I should see him and we should talk about what happened. Maybe I should just stand him up like he did me when he was mad. Maybe I should confront Ochako, I don't know what to do....

I let out a heavy sigh and tuck my phone into my bag before I finish up getting dressed.
"Thanks for reminding me Tsu.....I'll see you tomorrow." I give her one more weak smile before slinging my bag over my shoulder and heading out of the locker room.

As I was walking out, I accidentally bumped into another girl. I let out a small gasp and looked up ready to apologize until I realized who it was. Her cheeks were pink, her eyes usually bright and cheerful were red and puffy, and instead of smiling at me she just frowned. Part of me that still cared about her wanted to ask what was wrong but the other half of me wanted to scream at her. So instead, I remained silent as I stood there.
"Sorry, was lost in thought." She mumbles, flashing me an awkward smile as she rubs the back of her head. I clench my jaw and tighten my grip on the handle of my bag.
"Mhm. See ya later." I mumble back to her as I push past her and make my way down the hall.

I push open the glass doors leading outside of the school to see Izuku waiting for me. My stomach dropped and I could feel the temperature of my body begin to heat up drastically. His back was towards me as he scrolled through his phone, most likely about to call or text me, asking if I was ready.

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