A Change in Perspective: Riyaki Sicuto

Start from the beginning

There was one particular fight that almost went too far. I was on the playground with my friend, who had come by with those "friends" of his. They excluded him in their stuff, leaving him an opening to come talk with me. Despite his depression, he asked how I was doing with my own quirk. I swear, that kid had the most compassionate soul in the world. Our conversation was cut short when his "friends" came over and recognized me as "that lying brat from school." That ticked me off, and I challenged them all to a fight, still determined that my quirk would activate right before their very, taunting eyes. I was stupid, and they took advantage of that. Dangerously outnumbered, I was severely beat up and still receiving blows on the ground until my friend stopped them and insisted that he fight for me and stop them himself.

I don't really remember if he successfully fought them off or what, (probably not,) but I received many bruises and lumps to be convinced that I just had to have activated my quirk.

It still didn't.

Sitting alone outside the nurse's office and waiting for my parents to come out of there and pick me up, I had realized that my healing was done from a quirk. I was devastated and stupidly ungrateful. I had to do something before I healed up completely. So, I walked out the building alone.

The busy street in front of me was crawling with cars, and I got the most foolish idea ever. I waited for the stop light up the street to change from green to red and back again. A pickup truck was the first thing to cross the intersection, and I made my move. I'm sorry to say that I ran out right in the middle of the street to take it on. I figured if this wouldn't activate my quirk, nothing would. Surrounding pedestrians were probably screaming, seeing a little boy run right in the way of a truck.

However, just seconds before I made contact, my short life flashed before my eyes, and I was terrified. I recognized my foolishness and gasped deeply at my mistake. But, just at the right moment, a pair of massive arms reached over me and stopped the speeding truck. I shakily looked up to see one of the city's pros, Death Arms, panting hard and cringing from the sudden impact.

I was eternally grateful and almost immediately broke down crying. Of course I was given a very harsh and scared scolding by both Death Arms and my parents, but I was just thankful to be alive. My reckless choice convinced my parents that we had to move to a more quiet area of Japan and immediately put it into action. I hardly cared. As long as I could train hard and watch my actions, I was satisfied.

From that day forward, I decided to take baby steps, slowly trying to get stronger for the hero that saved my life. I can't really say what happened to that quirkless friend of mine, but we stopped keeping in touch a little after the move.

Years went by, and we did move back to our home city, but I haven't heard any word of him, in the city or my new school, which was unfortunately also filled with chumps who doubted my power. Anybody with the guts to talk down to me would get it good.


I stuff my last textbook in my backpack. Once everything is packed up, I kick it under my desk to keep it out of the way. I then pick up two weighted paper clips I had brought and stick them in my pocket. They're the same size and shape as thin, rectangle erasers but heavier. Their main purpose is to keep papers together and weighed down, but I've rarely found a perfect use for them. So instead, they're just for fidgeting. Mr. Carver has just dismissed us to lunch, a time I don't always look forward to. I'm never comfortable in a room with a large number of people.

"Yo, Sicuto!" a boy with brown, messed up hair comes to my desk with a small wave. "Same deal as last? Find Janju and eat together?"

"Whatever. I don't care."

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