I found you (ErrorCross)

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Requested by @ASmallErrorOccured have fun :3
Guess what it gonna be hooman today ^^
Warning: none

<Errors POV>

I mentally Sigh as I get out of the anti-void to 'destroy' again. Why am I still doing this, heh, the better question is why am asking this? It's obvious.. I don't have a choice.. I gotta save them.. but they do nothing to help me.. they hate me... they try to kill me.. heh.. trust me I've tried before.. I can't die..

I was about to destroy the AU when Ink came out of no where, he attacked me right away. He already gave up on his speeches and usually just attacked me. We fought for a while until he got distracted and I quickly deleted the code jumping through a portal. I heard him scream angrily before the portal closed behind me, I was in the anti-void again.

Ah the Anti-Void.. so white, so endless, so... quiet... and yet something was off. There wasn't any strings of mine that made it bearable to live here, on the top and..

_____ - Hello?

I look down to see a skeleton with white hair and a black and white outfit, he also had a red lighting-like scar on his cheek. And there was a.. Chara was flying around him looking at me with a suspicious look (heh chara probably thinking he sus), just like papyrus with Dust, the Chara looked a lot like the other guy.

Error - Oh hey..

_____ - Who are you?

Error - who are you?

_____ - I asked first.

Error - well... I am Error.

_____ - ... Cross.

Error - well hey Cross.. what are you doing here?

He was alone, in the white space, like me... but how did he get here? He couldn't have been brought here by FATE.. so.. what happened?

Cross - ...I don't know... We- I.. just appeared here...

Error - Hmm.... by we are talking about that Chara floating around you?

Chara - You can see me?!

Error - Sure,

I sat down by him, I don't know what it was that kept me from just walking away and leaving him like he is. Maybe it was better he felt sorry for the guy, or was just interested in what happened to him, or was it something else?

Error - Anyway you remember anything that happened before you 'appeared' here?

Chara - why do you care?

Error - Heh, well your the first person I met that appeared in the Anti-Void like that, besides me. And I didn't remember anything from my past before I came here, it's all fuzzy now...

Cross - so you also got here?

Error - Yeah, but you still didn't answer my question. Do you remember anything from before?

Cross - ... yeah... I lost my home... and everyone... what do I do now...? - he hugged his legs and stayed quiet, Chara just looked away from both of us.

Error - I don't know, I never had a family, or anyone to go to. - they looked at me - but I'm here now, maybe we can talk about this, and figure this out together.

I gave them a confronting smile which seemed to calm down both of them, I think I saw a bit of blush.. must be my imagination, and we started talking. About anything really, it was quite fun I guess. He told me a bit of his past it seemed nice, I even felt sorry for them loosing everything.. and Chara was also a lot of fun, I think he felt a bit happy that he got to talk to someone, did others not hear him? And what others? Huh.. gonna have to ask...

Mine Forever~(Error uke) (FINISHED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant