Cuddle? (Part 3) (Error x Everyone)

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Yaaaaaaaayyyy!! I'm finally doing thiiis UwU
I don't think there are any warnings in this one- well actually there is gonna end some 🍋

<Freshs POV>
(Fuck my life this is so cringe, I can feel my brain cringe)

As you can tell your wiggly daggly broski didn't get his Glitchy unnoticed, and Nightmare woke up the moment I touched him, so now I'm running away from angry bad guys. Even though it is my turn to play with Error, it was only 11:35 not yet the other day, so technically I was braking the rules-
But I just couldn't wait to hangout with my Glitchy bruh!! He was just too cute!!

I saw the others catching on so I FRESH POOFed out of there and landed in snowdin of some random AU, there were no people here so I figured it was an abandoned AU. Probably Ink forgot to restore it after the fight. He got the memory of a goldfish lol.

I looked back at Glitchy,
Heh~ he looks so peaceful when he sleeps, surprising that he's still asleep even after all the running. Oop no never mind he's waking up.

Error - ..Mrh?..

Fresh - Good mornin' mah Glitchy!

Error - Fr-Froosh!!

Fresh - That's Right it's your Skiddly Diddly Freshy Bruh! - I picked him up so that he was close to my face and bopped his little 'nose'

Error - Froosh!! Froosh!! Hehheehe! - he hugged my arm. So FUNKING cuuuttteee

Fresh - Yeah! And guess what bruh! Wer' gonna be doing all kinds of fun stuff today!!

<Authors POV>

They started going around the snowdin spooking a bunch of the monsters and pretty much having a good time, at one point Fresh even decided to virus this AU to put more color into it. Fresh took out his virus bone and sticked it into the ground with all might, in just a few minuets the whole AU was just like fresh,
colorful, in a way that it never matched,
rad, even though Error had no idea what that means,
and all the monsters turned into mindless zombies, suffering with radness!
Welcome to 'Fresh' you will die in a few minutes

And that's exactly what they started to do, much to Errors protest in a few minutes the AU started to crumble.

Fresh - Sorry little broski but it's too dangerous to us homies now!

Error - No!!

Fresh - Cmon bud stay with me!! How bout' I show ya a much more radical place that I'm sure you'll like!!

Error - Hmph! Fine!!

Fresh smiled and walked through the portal that led to...
Errors little eyes widened as he saw the beautiful starry sky, he gasped not able to take away the eyes from the beauty. Fresh was also looking but not at the stars but at a little star in he's arms, smiling.

Error - Woowwweeeee!! - he reached for the stars as they reflected in his little eyes,

Fresh - See! I told yah broski!!

Error - Mhm!! Thawnk youh!!!

Ink - FRESH!! Wait?- Error?

They turned around to see Ink holding he's brush ready to fight, it angered Fresh. He just wanted to spend time with his Glitchy! Without any interruptions! But he had to act cool, no need to scare Glitchy away. Fresh came up to Ink,

Fresh - Yo! Wussup my Inky bruh!

Ink - Why do you have Error?? Did you steal him?!

Fresh - Nah bruh! Kinda-

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