Teaching you whats right (DreamErrorMare)🍋

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Requested by blooddragon65 :) (before I closed the requests)

•FGod Error
•Mommy kink
•Big dick kink
•Stockholm Syndrom
Uhhh yeah lol



Why can't I be happy?

Why can't I stop feeling this awful pain?

It just never ends.

But it might as well just end now.

Because I'm finally free.

Finally free from my torturous life—

And all of the people who have hurt me.

I can't believe I have ever hoped to be happy.

I'm that world.

I'm sorry, Blue.

I'm sorry, Nightmare.

I'm sorry for anyone who was my family.

I just can't do this anymore.

All I wanted was to be happy.

For ones.


What a joke.

Maybe I can finally be truly free.

When I'm dead.
- - - - - - - - - -

<The Empire Multiverse>

<Authors POV>

Finally, at peace, it has been over a year since the truce between Dream and Nightmare, and the brothers couldn't be happier to be close again. They were taking a walk around a beautiful forest; Nightmare walked ahead while Dream walked behind, admiring all of the flowers around them. Nightmare would've as well, but he was in deep thought. The silence was broken when Nightmare finally decided to ask Dream about what he was thinking about all this time.

Nightmare - Dream.

Dream - Yes, Brother?

Nightmare - Have you ever wanted to make another person feel upset?

Dream - Oh goodness no!

Nightmare - You're not lying, are you? Not even someone like me?

Dream - I would never wish badly upon anyone! Even you! - he said, glaring at Nightmare - Have you ever wanted to make someone feel happy?

Nightmare - Oh Fuck no!

Dream and Nightmare laughed, jesses they missed this. Three hundred years of endless fighting, they missed each other a lot. They continued their walk, passing by the most vibrant of trees. They would've walked like this for many more hours; time for them wasn't a problem; they were immortal gods, after all. But suddenly, they heard a loud—


They felt something fall onto the nearby tree, so hard the leaves on that tree began to collapse that it fell off the tree just as hard, and everything was silent.

The two were surprised by the sound and the leaves falling right on top of them, but that didn't stop them from running to the crash site to check who had fallen.
After all, they could feel all of the person's negativity who fell.

Mine Forever~(Error uke) (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now