« Chapter Twenty-Three »

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"Calvin! Come here, right now!" 

She flinched at the demanding tone of Deikota. Casting a wary side glance, she saw Deikota had her hands on her hips and her lips drawn into a thin line. Then, she looked up and saw a dark-haired boy, who looked no older than four years old, come running across the yard. They had been touring the training grounds when they came upon the young ones playing under a tree. She noticed Andy was playing with them and he hadn't noticed her, she didn't mind letting him stay with his new-found friends. 

"Yes, momma?" Calvin breathlessly chirped. Seemingly the most obedient and innocent child there was but something about the glint in his eyes said otherwise. 

Deikota broke into a smile, "Calvin, I'd like you to meet Valencia," Then, Deikota turned to her, "Valencia, this is my son, Calvin." 

"Cool!" Calvin exclaimed, "Your that lady who fought the rogues!" She was growing tired of hearing that one but before she could even react, Deikota was on it. 

"Calvin!" Deikota swatted him upside the head, "What did I tell you about using your manners?"

"Be respectful, don't yell, and listen to my elders." Calvin recited then, after a glare from his mother, he looked up with an innocent expression, "Sorry, Valencia, I didn't mean to blurt stuff out like that." 

She faked a small smile, "It's okay. Its nice to meet you, Calvin. Do you know Andy?" 

"Yeah! He was telling us all stories about you!" Calvin grew excited once more, his tone rising, and began acting out some of the stories with dramatic poses. After a few moments, he grinned, "You're basically famous now, can I ask for an autograph?" 

"Alright, go play, Calvin." Deikota rolled her eyes. 

"You should come meet the other kids! They love you!" Calvin completely ignored his mother, gesturing over his shoulder to the group he had been playing with. 

"Now, Calvin!" 

"Alright already, I'm going." Calvin complained, he waved at her, "Bye, Valencia!" He took off to undoubtedly tell his friends about their encounter. His enthusiasm and cheerful attitude were quite characteristic. Though, she figured he got it from his mother. 

Deikota sighed, "God, he'll be the death of me and he's only four. Between him and his father, let me tell you. I've aged like thirty years after having kids, I don't recommend it."  

"He's quite lively." She commented. 

"That would be my fault," Deikota laughed, "He has that wild gene, and he doesn't listen at all, don't let that innocent little face fool you," Absentmindedly, Deikota was rubbing her rounded stomach, "I was really hoping to have a girl this time around. I grew up around boys and now I'm just having boys. Boys everywhere, eh?" 

"I assume you have brothers?" She asked. 

"Yes," Deikota sighed, "I had two. Leon and Leroy. Unfortunately, Leon passed away in the Aloysius War." 

"I'm sorry." She cringed as she said those words. 

"Don't be, he died for a great cause and his legacy lives on with all of us. Leroy became the Alpha King after Reeve allowed him to kill the Conquistador Alpha and we're all working every day to honor our fallen brothers and sisters. They dreamed of a better world and we're making it history." 

Her eyebrows rose, "Your brother is the Alpha King?" 

"Yes," Deikota chuckled, "I've said that already, silly." 

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