V15 - Chapter 179 Happy Anniversary

Start from the beginning

Stanford hand wrote her a letter with a message from Giselle, Apostle of Hardy. It says she talked to her father, Emperor Molt, before he committed suicide to prevent Zorzal from using him as a living bargaining chip to Famulis and denied Famulis, the pleasure of torturing and killing him (4). Reading about his death didn't bother her at all; however, what made her cry was the last part, a message Molt asked Giselle to tell her;. that her father said that he loves her and wishes he was more of a father than an Emperor.

All her life, she has never heard or read those words from him. She doesn't understand why it is affecting her. She knew her father would never say such words. She has always tried to prove herself to him, to show that she matters, but never got the opportunity to hear those words. Assuming the letter is true, his final words were saying how much he loved her.

"Why now?" she asks herself. "Does he think that solved everything? That I just forgive him? Did he say that because he was close to death and felt regretful about everything a bit too late? What about your sons? What about Krysist? You tried to kill your own son, your own child, and now you want to say 'I love you?"

She hears a knock on the door. She hides the letter in her desk and wipes her tears away. "Come in."

She sees Hamilton enter the room. She softly closes the door and stands there.

"I am sorry for my lengthy absence, Princess," Hamilton says and bows. "I had an appointment this morning, but I am here now. What can I do for you."

She can see this stressed out look on Hamilton's face. She can see something is up. "Are you alright, Hamilton?"

"I am fine, Princess," Hamilton says. She then walks over and sets the tea on the desk. "It was just a busy morning, but I am here now and ready to serve."

She grabs the tea and drinks it. The tea is cold, a mistake Hamilton has never made.

"We need to...," she says, but suddenly stops. She stands up and leans forwards towards Hamilton. "What are you hiding?"

Hamilton freaks out. "What? Nothing."

"Hamilton," she says. "I've known you for a long time. You are not a good liar. Tell me what is going on. Has something happened between you and Andrew? Did you two break up? No, that can't be. You would be crying. Was he mean to you? I cannot see him getting mean."

She thinks of what the reason could be. Hamilton has a soft personality, and she always protected her from the world.

Hamilton takes a nervous breath. "Well..., I was at the hospital today. I was feeling sick, and I couldn't stop throwing up last night, so I went to the infirmary."

Hamilton looks away shyly, poking her fingers together. "I am pregnant."

She could not believe what she just heard. She knew Hamilton and Andrew were mating or, as the Other Worlders say, dating, but she didn't know it would go this far. She is happy for her.

She hugs her tightly. "That is wonderful! I knew something was going on."

"Please don't tell anyone yet," Hamilton says. "I still don't know what to do yet. But I promise I won't neglect my duties to you Princess."

She looks at her. "I know. We can deal with that when the time comes. Come on, we need to finish cooking. Let's go help."

She suddenly stops and places her hands on Hamilton's shoulders. "Everyone, our Hamilton here is going to be a mother."

Hamilton looks at her nervously and then looks out. She is then tackled by a wave of her fellow Knights.

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