Chapter Six

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Ben's POV

Jeff's mad about something. I can't tell what though. Normaly I can just read his mind, but for some reason, I can't right now. I lean into him, loving his scent, and loving how warm his hoodie is. He pats my head, but doesn't give any signal that he cares about me laying on him. I shoot EJ a concerned look but he just shrugs. I put my head phones on and start listening to what ever music is playing. I lean on Jeff's chest, wanting attention. He runs his fingers through my hair, but doesn't do anything more than that. I smile and close my eyes. Damn it . . . Why do I have to fall asleep now? Of all the times, it just had to be now! I growl as I fall asleep.

When I woke up, I was still in Jeff's lap, but we were on the bus on our way home. I look at Jeff confused, he's arguing with someone. I look to the person to see who pissed Jeff off this time, I get kind of surprised to see that he's fighting with The Puppeteer. What could The Puppeteer do to piss off Jeff? All Puppeteer does is play with Puppets and tease Zero and X-Virus. Jeff notices that I'm awake and he nudges me. "How was your nap?" He scoffs.
I smirk. "It was pretty good, actually."
He pulls me closer to him and Puppeteer rolls his eyes and looks out the window. "Was is now? 'Cuz I had to carry you around my classes, and the teacher let each kid have a turn trying to pry you off of me."
I blush and look down. "That wouldn't happen."
He chuckles and ruffles my hair then takes me off his lap and sets me in the seat by him. He starts playing on his phone and I lean on him, playing on my D.S. We take the bus home and Jeff and I decide to play Call Of Duty on the living room T.V. I beat him, of course I did, around 20 times before he finnaly rage quite. He came back after a few minutes, but he brought Lui with him. "Lui's on my team. Lui help me kill Ben in Call Of Duty." Jeff orders.
"I did not agree to this." Lui states.
Jeff threatens Lui for a few minutes and Lui reluctantly agrees to play with us. I still win, just like always, but this time both of them are pissed off about losing. I guess being a sore loser runs in the family. Jeff leaves the room, then comes back with Zero.

*An Hour Later*
Ive beaten Jeff, Lui, Zero, Puppeter, Clockwork, and Even Eyeless Jack, at Call Of Duty, at the same time! This is awesome! I beat six people at once! After about two more hours they all rage quite and go to their rooms, but I keep playing.

Hey I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in a long time. I forgot that I had wattpad and so I just quite writing for a while.

Creepypasta OmegaVerse High School AU [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now