Chapter Nineteen

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Ben's POV
***During lunch***

Well, the classrooms were weird, but the cafeteria was normal.
"Hey, Benny." Jeff says as he, Masky, Toby, and Puppeteer sit down by EJ, Zero, Clockwork, Lui, X-Virus, Jane, Nina, Hoodie, and I.

I had first hour with Lui, Jane, and EJ, so we just went to the table with the others when we saw them.

"We have a fight after school." Masky says casualy "Some kids threatened me, so were gonna kick their asses behind the cafeteria later."
"Wait, WHAT?!" I ask, surprised.
"You don't need to yell, Shortie." Jeff laughs.
"You just said you and the other alphas are gonna fight after scho, why would I be okay with that?"
"Because, I'm gonna kill him anyway. Jeff growls.
"No, your not." Masky buts in, still acting over protective of Toby and keeping one arm ocer Toby's shoulders at all times.
"And why not?" Jeff glares at him.
"We're just gonna show them who the predators are, and teach the prey not to mess with my Toby."
Toby shifts so that hes laying on Masky "Try not to pull a knife on anyone, that goes for both of you. . . Lets not get sent home on the first day."

"Yeah, yeah, Twitchy." Jeff mutters and pulls me into his lap, glaring at someone across the room.
I try to sit up and look at who hes glaring at, but he holds me down in his lap.
"Midgit, stay still, stop fucking squirming." Jeff growls and holds me tighter.
"Are those the boys that wanted to fight?" I ask, catching a glance of who hes looking at.
"Yeah, they were watching you." Jeff growls, reaching for the knife in his pocket.
I hold his wrist "Listen to the proxies, don't kill them yet."

The other pastas start to talk about the fight later, Masky giving them details. Hoodie's the only one that isn't talking or asking questions, but thats normal. What isn't normal is how EJ actually looks happy listening to everyone else talk about fighting. He'd usualy be trying to talk us out of this shit, but for some reason, he seems interested.

"How many are there?" EJ asks, looking Masky in the eyes, pissing him off.
"Only three." Masky replies glaring at him.
"Three against five isn't too fair." EJ leans back in his chair watching Masky.
"Since when do you care about if its fair or not?" Puppeteer asks, looking confused.
"Well, ya know, since it's the first day and we're probably gonna get beat by Slender for accepting to fight an infair game against humans." EJ says like its obvious.
"You got your pannies in a twist or somethin'?" Zero asks "You seem more up tight than usual."
"I'm just not in the mood to get punished right after the last thing we did." EJ glares at us all.
"Well, Jeff, Lui, Hoodie, and I already agreed, so four against three, unless your helping." Jane says, not looking up from her phone.
EJ sighs in annoyance "Fine, but if we get in trouble, I'm saying I didn't do shit."

One of the boy that Jeff was glaring at earlier stands up and walks over to our table "Come on, Losers, just give up the little omega and you won't have to get your asses beat." He laughs.
"Fuck off." Masky glares at him, lacing his voice with as much hatred as he could without making himself sound like a brutal killer.
"Oh, and we won't lose, Bitch." Jane laughs "You will."
"We'll see." he spits, glaring at Jane "And girls are too weak, I could knock you out with one hit."

Jane looks pissed. She quickly stands up and goes to punch him in the face but Nina and Clockwork hold her back. "Save the fighting for later. He's not worth the detention." Nina says glaring at the boy.
The boy kept a smug face and he walked off, leaving a protective Masky, Jane- and the other girls- ready to kill him on the spot, and an entire table of angry killers ready to strike the idiot's throat.

This story is almost at 1K reads! Also, I'm sorry if I got your hopes up for a fight in this chapter, I just wanted some build up before the fight. I promise it will be in the next chapter, probably taking up the entire 500+ words, I usually use 500-550 as a minimum number of words. Also, Clockwork x Jane is pretty popular and I think it's cute, so, should I add it?

Creepypasta OmegaVerse High School AU [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now