~Welcome: Respect the Rules~

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Woah, You joined a roleplaying book aspecting to avoid bitchy rules? Welp, You're dead wrong. So read and remember them, or face the consequences.

" Our story will begin, shortly."



•SMUT: Alright, Let's get one thing straight which I'm not. Smut is indeed allowed but please don't make the entire storyline all about it, a limited amount if you will. I would enjoy an actual, realistic, plotline like any good story. Additionally, The smut must coordinate into the plot line, sex on the battlefield is rather unrealistic although a slightly hot idea. I'm going by realistic standards meaning that characters must be above 16 if smut happens. Smut will also be taken to the comments as I've put way too much into this book for it to be taken down.

Cursing: Look, I swear like a fucking sailor so I do not mind if anyone's cursing about but you will, I'm repeating, you will censor it. As roleplays will take place in comments. Speaking of inappropriate language, there will be no speaking of slurs inside this book. I don't give a shit if you are culturally allowed to it doesn't make a difference to me, you're ass will be booted if I see it.
Examples of censoring curse words; Sh^t, @sshole, f-uck, b1tch, etc.

Controlling: I'm going to say it, as much as I love a controlling bed partner I won't stand for anyone controlling my character. You get to control you're own character, surrounding characters, or whatever but you do not get to control the actions or feelings of my character. Did you write this character? No, you didn't so don't touch them.

Descriptive: I love writing more about my character, which means I need more than three sentences in response or else I'm going to grow bored and move on. I won't put in the effort if I don't receive it in return. I would like to keep the plot moving forward and not just exchange smiles back and forth. Additionally, Please only use the third person, also known as the past tense.

Tagging: I adore seeing visuals of other's characters and getting more detailed, neat, information about them which is hard to do in a comment. You are more than welcome I encourage, to tag a character form. Please just let me know beforehand because I will be immensely confused if I'm sent a form out of nowhere. As for tagging reminders, I have a bad habit of getting distracted or thinking I've responded when I haven't so please only tag me once every few hours, but don't spam I have a life outside this device too that's hella busy.

Plot lines: Not all plots need to be romantic or sexual between the characters, I adore platonic plot lines as well! One of my favorite tropes is a platonic one, found family so please don't be afraid to continue a platonic one. If the storyline is romantic or sexual please pay attention to my characters' romantic orientation and sexuality. I will not be changing them for your convenience just like you can't change a real person. I try my hardest to be as diverse as possible.

Multiple Ocs: I do not mind in the slightest if you want to use more than one character, whether that be for the same or different roleplay. If you intend on starting another roleplay please reframe from using the same character, use your creativity. As long as you keep track of all the roleplays you have going on with me I really couldn't care less about what you do.

Password: I'm going to make this simple for all those who understand the rules and intend on following them. There are two passwords, the first being your favorite character from literally anything and the second being your pronouns. For example, I'll go first my favorite character has got to be Ein and Ed, the iconic duo, from Cowboy Bebop and secondly, my pronouns are he/him.

Where: I would prefer for roleplays to take place in the comments of my characters' form, which can be found on the pages after this. I have had plenty of problems relating to private messages but if you insist I'll try my hardest to fight through my discomfort. Smut will obviously be taken to private messages until the scene is finished.

Triggers: I won't be roleplaying anything that has to do with the following topics; r4pe, &ssault, Su1cide, or Self-harm. Feel free to add it into your backstory or whatever but please reframe from adding these situations into the roleplay. They can be briefly mentioned for a therapeutic scene since I'm all for character growth, but that is the limit.

Oc's Personality: Okay, I get it if you're characters kind of a jackass but if you intend on forming some sort of bond between our characters show little signs they care over time. Otherwise, I'll assume you're some sick sadistic fuck and I will not put my characters through any more trauma.

Overpowered: If you're character has some sort of ability don't be an asshole and make them all-mighty, everyone has a weakness, even the most powerful. Also, keep these Ocs to the correct genre stated atop a characters page.

Most Importantly: If you have a problem with any LGBTQ+, Disabled, Religious, or POC community this book is not for you so kindly fuck off. As long as everyone is accepting and open-minded you are welcome, most of my Ocs are part of one or several of these communities. I am a part of a few of these myself. If I have gotten any facts wrong about a certain topic please inform me, I do not wish to portray any community wrong and heavily do my research on each topic a character of mine portrays.

Fact: This isn't a rule just a little insight for those who don't already know. Next to my character gender will either be listed as; AMAB or AFAB. These stand for Assigned (Male/Female) At Birth.


If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask me. I'd rather you question than assume. Enjoy your stay.


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