twenty two

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"deffo flirting" sapnap says, posting a picture in the gc. the picture loads for a second, revealing a screenshot from my 50k stream, tommy and i's dms.


i just left the call calm down

okay :(

its super late for you, go to bed, love you

okay mom

shut the fuck up

"where the hell did you get that-" i say, knowing damn well i accidently showed our dms on stream earlier. "what!? flirting? no no way, i dont flirt with.. women!" tommy says. "so men?" quackity asks. "yes- wait- no-" tommy replies, quickly regretting it.

"why is ivy so aggressive" sapnap says. "what did i do!" i whine. "read your dms with me, you're so mean" tommy cuts in. "shut up" i reply. "see!!" sapnap yells. "stop!" i yell at the boys, them bursting out with laughter.

"ivy more like poison ivy" quackity says, in his awful voice changer. "stop it, that joke is unoriginal anyways" i laugh, sapnap turning his voice changer on too. "uh hello" he says awkwardly, making sure its working. "oh my god" tommy says. we sit around the spider xp grinder on the dream smp, listening to quackity and sapnap go back and forth.

none of us are streaming, so it's a relief to not have to censor ourselves. "dream!" sapnap says ,once dream joins the call, dragging out the e. they continue to use the voice changer. "what the hell" dream says. "i don't know what's happening" i laugh "oh dream!" sapnap adds. "quit the voice changer" dream laughs.

"hey, hey, tommy punch me" i say, walking up to his character. "why-" he asks. "i dont know" i laugh. he punched me, i was on half a heart. "oh what the fuck!!" he yells, sapnap watching from a far. "why do you have- mushrooms and a pufferfish" tommy says after picking up my only items. "tubbo gave me the pufferfish" i state. "i should've guessed that" he adds.

i stand afk for a moment, in another tab. i hear the boys punching me and commenting like i can't hear them.

ivy @poizonivy

i attach the screenshot of tommy killing me to the tweet, posting it shortly after.

poizonivy was slain by tommyinnit

"this is slander!" tommy yells, i assume seeing my tweet. "how'd you see it so fast" i laugh. "uh-" "don't tell me you have my notifications on" i ask. "i dont" i can hear him snicker, telling me he's lying.

"congrats on 50k" dream comments. "oh, thank you!" i smile wide. "woah, congrats!" sapnap says. "congrats, to ivy, on 50k" quackity says, turning his voice changer on and dragging each word out. "they grow up too fast" tommy laughs.

we sit in a call on discord still, everyone with their facecams on. i haven't seen dream before so it's odd seeing a new face and finally having a face to his voice. i sit quietly, listening to the boys talk. 


short chapter im sorry,
im running out
of ideas for this story :(

if you guys have any
ideas at all, i will appreciate
even the smallest amount.

if you ever went
"oh it'll be cool
if this happened"
tell me your idea!!
i love seeing your
comments and ideas.

im desperate pls :D

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