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"hello chat!" i say, super excited for todays stream. "you know what day it?!" i smile, watching as chat gets hyped. "welcome to the winners pov of mcc!" i laugh, changing screens so chat can see my game. i run around the mcc spawn, seeing everyone's skins and the cute decorations. tubbos skin is absolutely adorable, he has overalls with a small bee on it and fall colors. my skin is the same, i just have a pumpkin onesie.

"hello" i unmute, hearing wilbur and tommy going back and forth. "you're backwards?" tommy says, sounding incredibly confused. "did you not realize" wilbur replys.

"oh! oh! oh! ohhhhh!!" i hear wilbur yell, tommy laughing. "i need to find technoblade, i need to find technoblade" wilbur adds, i find the boys and see their terrifying skins. then there's just tommy in a suit, how creative. "oh god technoblade couldn't handle it" wilbur continues, sounding very energized. i look over to see wilbur 'thrusting' at techno. i look up at my camera, making a confused face. "fellas i had it prepared and all, but i forgot my security questions" tommy says, refering to his skin. fundy laughing after. "your security questions..? do you even need to answer your security questions to change your skin" i say, honestly confused. "the last one was, what was the name of your first girlfriend. and the problem with that is that ive had so many girlfriends, i couldnt remember it" tommy adds, everyone laughing. i join them rolling my eyes.

"here are the winners of mcc three-" wilbur says, showing the pedestal for
smajor, vikkstar, petezahhutt and shubble. the boys burst out yelling, running at vikkstar. "thrust on him, thrust on him!" wilbur yells. i stand there, watching them. i glance back and forth from chat, terrified with what im watching.

"tommy what did they do to your skin?" i ask, seeing as he has an ugly wannabe ghost skin now. "they won't change me back!" he yells, honestly sounding annoyed with his skin.

wilbursoot: thrust with your pals
wilbursoot: thrust with your pals
wilbursoot: thrust with your pals

i laugh, seeing what wilbur spams in the game chat. "it's time boys!" tommy says, as the timer starts counting down indicating the event is about to start. "this is ivy's first countdown, watch these numbers right" wilbur says, i find him and stand next to him, watching as the timer counts down. "the thing is, about these numbers right, so right now we have a one. i believe that, that one on the left is constant it will never go" wilbur says. [01:03] "it will be there forever" [01:01] "cause-" [00:59]

the boys scream, seeing as the one dissapears. i am honestly so confused, having to deal with their shenanigans.
"where did it go?! where did it go?!" wilbur screams. [00:53] "well the five is sticking around!" he says again punching towards it. [00:49] the boys scream again, seeing the five dissapear. "what the fuck" i laugh.

we're now in the decision dome, waiting to choose the first game. "tommy you've got a really lame skin" wilbur says, i laugh. "it isn't that bad, atleast it isn't as bad as wilbur and fundys" i smile. "thank you ivy" tommy says.

gothobama: this is the best mcc
potatopatatouwu: what is tommys skin im crying
draqonfruit: furry shriek

"gogy is looking at us" i laugh, noticing dreams team is next to us. "thrust at him!" wilbur says, staring to crouch at them. fundy joins, as tommy and i watch.

silas0306: what a thrust
chocolategremlin: the chaotic energy of this team is unparalled
sy6ney: lmaoooo

we start with hole in the wall, which is self explanatory. i've watched past mcc streams so i understand most of the games. we do fairly well, getting teleported back to spawn. "reddit slept on us so we need to show up." tommy says, refering to how reddit things our team will be a shit show. they're not wrong. "we need to act like we don't know nobody" wilbur says. "fundy, who do you know" he asks. "nobody." "yeah!" everyone yells. "ivy, who do you know" wilbur asks me, i hesitate for a moment. "nobody..?" i reply. "yeah!!" they yell once again. "tommy you know mother innit?" "who?" tommy replies. i laugh, hearing how excited they get over the stupidest shit. "i dont know nobody!!" they all yell over and over again.

next game is sky battle, which im not looking forward to. tommy tells everyone what to do. since i can speed bridge since i play bedwars, i'm designated to bridge. we make it to mid, camping in a small area. "i accidentally killed georgenotfound in cold blood. gogy" wilbur yells, his voice dying.

egg_guy72: watch out for dream
iztaez: ohhhhhh
nesrxn: rip gogy
beah18: lets go

we get pushed to center, dream and tapl's team around us. i fall in the void, the game ending shortly after with dreams team winning. "fourth place!" i yell, surprised with how well we did. "we did really well!" tommy yells.

solidaritygaming: dub
pearlescentmoon: gg
rentthedog: gg!
[admin] whalethen: gg
georgenotfound: dream
king_burren: gg
georgenotfound: dream
georgenotfound: dream
georgenotfound: dream
poizonivy: gg :)


fun fact the stream
comments are actually
live comments from
the actual event
from real
people :O

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