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btw there are mentions of gagging and puke in this chapter, so here's a disclaimer just in case :)

i get added to a group chat, quackity, karl and tommy.


big q!


cooking, video, today, now


when are you guys free

all day

uhhh i can make shit work

where the hell is karl


tommy why


what the hell do you want

big k!

scroll up dumb ass

im free today

today's the day boys
and girl

ty lmao

after a few hours quackity calls the group chat, everyone but tommy answering. "men i swear" i sigh, texting tommy.


what happened

dc vc big q now rn

oh yeah

eventually he joins the vc, everyone talking for a moment. we turn on our cameras and make sure everyone is in big q's discord, eventually we are ready to start.

"hey! how's everyone doing" alex (quackity) says, once he starts the recording. "big q!" tommy says. "aye thomas, karlos" he says in a mexican accent. "i dont know how to say ivys name" he laughs.

"a bunch of people send in their template for things they want us to make, in this case it's tacos" alex says. "we don't have them here" tommy says. "is that true?" karl says. "a tako-" "a what? we dont have ta..kos?" i laugh, making fun of how he says taco.

"digestive system destroyer-" "chez its" tommy says, mispronouncing everything. "pop-ey-es bonlees wing" he continyes. "pop-ey-es??" i laugh.

"mystery taco-" i start to read it out, alex yelling over me. "karl, karl read" he says. "hot sause, coom-" karl reads out. "oh my god" tommy says, looking very uncomfortable.

"joe's childhood memories- five glizzys?!" alex reads out. "suffering-" i laugh. "hits a little too close to home" karl states. "oh-" alex wheezes.

"s a l t" alex reads out, a taco with just salt called high blood pressure. "i need this, or i'm gonna die" tommy laughs.

"jam-" i say, everyone laughing over me. "it's so aggressive" i say. "what the fuck" alex continues laughing.

"oh no-" karl says, the coom taco. "what does that top middle word mean" tommy asks. "oh no" i sigh. "oh, i've just googled it" he adds. "why-" "aaaggh!!" he yells, a disturbing sound. everyone takes their turns saying it, i just sit back in my chair and listen to the chaos.

"honean" alex reads out, "beans and, honey?" he adds. "gummy taco?!" i read, reading out the three types of gummys in the taco. "octopus, bear and worm? since when are there gummy ocyopus'" i ask. "looks a little disgusting" alex says. "i- i don't know" i laugh.

"tommy!" karl yells, reading another taco. "it's caller tears" i laugh. "meat, and twenty tons of salt" i add.

"oh- hello?" tommy says, his voice going soft. he turns around, i assume his parents are yelling at him. "you fucking son of a bitch, i just got fucking told off" tommy whispers into the mic, i laugh.

"i'll do the beef one with all the salt" tommy says, "you're gonna die" i joke.
everyone choses their taco, karl chooses gummy taco, alex chooses joe's childhood memories and i, sadly, choose the honean one.

"so quackity said to film me getting the ingredients for my taco so, hi?" i smile, recording myself walking to the store as alex said to do. "oh hey alex, or alex's editor, can you like add some nice mario kart music over this and speed it up? no? alright" i laugh to myself.

we wait for everyone to be ready to film again, continuing once everybody is ready. "a bit of a problem, here in britain they don't have any of the 'takko' shells cause, no one, eats that" Tommy says, showing off his little taco cup chips.

alex starts to make the hot dogs, or glizzys. "oh- look at the glizzy juice!" karl laughs. "two knives at once?" tommy asks, "are you trying to kill him?" i ask.

i move my camera so everyone can see what i'm doing, as we start to make our tacos. "so i bought honeycomb, instead of the liquid. for, you know, texture" i laugh. "texture? you already have fucking beans in there" tommy says. "i just wanted to try honeycomb honestly." i laugh. "go on try it" karl says. i cut the honeycomb, taking a bite as he said. "oh no" alex laughs. "whatever you do, do not touch anything, your fingers will make everything forever sticky" tommy laughs. i get up and wash my hands, sitting back down at my pc.

tommy drenches his taco in salt. "wait why does mine kinda look handsome" karl says, lifting it up for the camera to see. i laugh, "very handsome karl"
"look at mine, just needs more salt" tommy continues.

"i call this the finishing touches" tommy says, placing anouther small taco chip bowl on top. "aw it's got a little hat!" i smile. "aw it's gonna kill me!" tommy jokes. "shut up" i sigh. we show off our tacos, honey dripping out of mine. "we have to take one bite" alex says. "big q, i'll die" tommy says.

tommy goes first, barely taking a bite and already gagging. we burst out laughing besides from tommy, he looks like he's dying. "just needs more salt" tommy says once he's done chugging water. "tommy oh my god" i laugh, watching him pour more on top. alex goes, taking a bite of joe's childhood memories. he takes anouther bite, acting like he's crying.

"alright karl" alex says, alex going next. he takes a bite of his gummy taco, he also added hot cheetos and fries. sounds pretty american. he grabs a bag, puking. "oh my god" i laugh, covering my face. my turn next, which i wasn't really looking forward to. "you know, i love honey. but honey and.. beans?" i sigh. "did you even cook them" karl asks. "i was supposed to cook them?!" i ask, confused. "ivy.." tommy says, looking dissapointed. i take a bite, it honestly wasn't that bad till you tasted the beans. "its just honey with a salty taco shell, then you taste the beans and.. oh god" i say, covering my mouth. "needed more salt?" tommy asks. "oh shut up" i laugh.

"so, what would you say, would you serve this in a restraunt? would you ask for it?" alex asks. "100% the texture was immaculent" i say, smiling. karl gets up, smashing his taco with his foot. "no" he says. alex laughs, tommy eating still. "why are you still eating-" i ask. "once he added the extra salt" karl laughs.

tommy shows off his pile of salt to father innit, who seems very concerned, and karl casually burried his. we end off the video and talk for a bit, tommy still recovering from all that salt.

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