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"So you and Bakubro are dating officially right?" Mina questions as Eiji's cheeks flush red in embarrassment. "Because it sounds like his mom thinks you two did something. Or did we hear that wrong?"

The girls all decided to head out along with Izuku while the boys hung out with Katsuki. "Uh..."

"You two got down and dirty, didn't you? I knew something would have happened after he stole your phone. He left so many marks on you." Toru shouts, covering her mouth as her whitish-blue hair sways at her shoulders; blue eyes stunned into silence at the look of horror on the red head's face.

"H-he did what?!" She shouts, pulling out her phone as she looks at the marks, growling to herself as she whines. "That's what he meant...! Fucking Kat!"

"Woah there, Kiri. Never thought you had it in you to curse." Tsuyu raises an eyebrow as the redhead lowers her phone to pout. "But you two were intimate last night? That's a big jump from 'I don't know'."

"You and Kacchan slept together? I could never get the courage to ask Shoto to do something like that..." Izuku thinks as he shakes his head before smiling at the red head. "Oh! Speaking of which, I need to speak to you about something Kiri."

"Oh uh okay. In private?" She questions as he gives a small nod, walking slower than the rest of the group. "You guys walk ahead. We'll catch up."

The group agrees simultaneously, discussing Bakugo's feelings on Kiri more as the red head stands next to the anxious greenette. "Kiri..."

"Yeah Mido? What's up?"

"Um... so you and Kacchan. How did that happen?" He whispers as the girl shrugs her shoulders.

"I honestly have no idea. I just thought of him as a friend I admired. It was him who did everything honestly." She informs him as he hums before looking into her eyes.

"Didn't he tie you down or something? I know he has a rope room that he uses for things... Aunt Mitsuki told me that he asked for it on his 12th birthday as a present. He has a collection." Izuku rambles as Eiji stares at him in curiosity. "He may have tied me up a few times."

"What did he do to you? Did he hurt you?" Eiji questions, wanting some form of answer as Izuku runs a hand through his hair.

"N-no. He would just leave me in the room, untouched. Waiting for me to figure out a way out since I was weaker back then. But once I started exercising and got into UA with a high grade and physical exam test, he just stopped. I think it was around the same time he met you honestly." He looks into her eyes, smiling gently. "So thank you for changing Kacchan."

"I didn't change him. He's always had the potential. All I did was give him a small nudge by making him realizing that we're not against him." Eiji smiles while stretching her arms in front of her as she begins to walk. "If anything, you should be thanking him for having the heart to change. If that's all-!"

"I used to have a crush on Kacchan." He quickly spat out, causing the girl to lightly choke on air. "I mean I love Shoto a lot. It's just nice to know that Kacchan has someone good caring for him. You're doing a better job than I ever could. But don't worry, he's like a family member to me and I won't steal him from you even if I was given the chance."

"Good to know... We should probably catch up to the others. Where are we going exactly?" The red head tilts her head, effectively changing the subject as the greenette's more serious nature fades.

"Oh! Momo and Jiro discovered this really cute crepe place online and want to check it out. Momo apparently wanted to order some before school let out, but they were out of stock for the day." He rambles, explaining in detail as Eiji hums in acknowledgement. "Jiro caught wind of it and decided to make a reservation. That's why I knocked on your door eariler today."

"Speaking of which, how did you guys get here so quickly? It was at least a 5 hour drive for us..." She questions him as his face turns red.

"Let's just say that I know a few short cuts and that Sero is a really, really bad driver." He uses as she laughs at his misfortune. "He has the dead eyes of a villain on the road."



"Oi, Kacchan. You have any mustard?" Denki asks, shouting from the kitchen as he searches the cabinets.

"What the hell do you need mustard for?" The blonde raises an eyebrow as the artificial blond rolls his eyes, knocking a few things down before grabbing a bottle from the fridge.

"Never mind, found it!" He bounces back into the living room, flopping onto Hanta's legs on the couch; squirting some of the condiment into his mouth. "So you and Kiri, huh? Honestly saw that coming."

"Dude, he's been hardcore flirting with her for years and she had him in the zone." Hanta snickers, pulling out a little brown mass from his pocket. Extending his hand, he offers Katsuki some. "It's a brownie."

"Pot brownie, don't fucking lie to me. Why the fuck are you guys really here?" He squints, watching as the boys share a look. Shoto sips on a cup of water, watching the entire conversation go down.

"Well.... Uraraka told us about what you did, so we offered to help. Well, we meaning us. Todoroki got called over by Midoriya to come here and Momo wanted visit some crepe place, so Jiro's taking them there." Denki explains, causing for Hanta to hum.

"Forget talking bout my love life and focus on your own. Isn't Jiro gay?"

"She's bisexual, thank you very much. And why? Should I be worried about Momo or something? She's my girlfriend too." Denki raises an eyebrow, causing the entire room to choke on one of three things: air, water and weed brownie.

"Since when?!"

"Since Shinso asked me out. We're in a four way relationship. I think it's a four way... I'm dating Jiro and Shinso. Jiro's dating Momo and me. So in a way, I'm dating Momo too. Right?" He questions, humming to himself as Katsuki bursts out laughing in a condescending way.

"That's not how that works, dumbass!" He chuckles, sighing as he wipes a tear from his eye. "You're in an open relationship. Don't go telling people you're dating Momo. You only signed up for Earphones and fucking Tired Fuck."

"Oh. Well at least I have a love life! Sero's still single." The blonde huffs indignantly as Sero rolls his eyes.

"I'm working on that."

"With who? What even are you?" Katsuki raises an eyebrow as Hanta shrugs his shoulders.

"Pan. But I can't find the right pan to be in a relationship with. They're either fake or too hard." He thinks out loud, earning a huff of laughter from Shoto who continues to drink his water.

"I don't think that's what pan means... You like all genders. Why don't you just date Mina? You two are weed buddies." Denki does jazz hands as Hanta pushed him off his lap; earning a oof from the impact.

"Eh, I'm not in the relationship mood for that. Rather have her as a fuck buddy." He leans back into the chair as a silence falls over them. "So is Kiri pregnant now?"

"Jesus! Fuck off!"


Just a bunch of idiotic conversations. (Edit: I realized that I forgot to delete the little list of characters I brought in 😂. I'm surprised no one commented on that-)

~Shadow Out!🌑

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