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The ringing of a phone interrupts the two teens' nap, causing a bleary eyed Katsuki to reach over a snugged Eiji who was snoring lightly into his bare chest. Without checking, he places the phone to his ear. "Kiri! I'm so glad you answered!"

"This isn't her, dipshit. Why are you calling?" The blonde growls; annoyed that of all people, Midoriya was calling.

"Oh, Kacchan.... Why do you have Kirishima's phone?" He mumbles a few ideas to himself before snapping out of it. "Oh well! Anyways, I need to speak to Kiri. Is she around? I knocked on her door a few times, but she didn't answer."

"She's at my house, nerd. Just drop by or something." He mumbles as the greenette tries to speak once more before getting hung up on. Lightly shaking the red head, Katsuki grunts. "Wake up, Eiji."

"Five more minutes..." She whines, trying to get closer to Katsuki as he rolls his eyes, pinching her exposed nipple and causing her to squeal. "Ow! Why would you do that?!"

"Fucking Deku is coming over right now and I'm fucking sure he's bringing that broke ass Pink Cheeks with him." Katsuki explains, moving from beneath her to go put on a shirt. "You should probably take a shower. You smell like me."

"My back is sore..." She complains, her eyes as she sits up; realizing what happened last night as her thighs begin to prickle with pain. "Y-you... we... huh?! And your cousin! Are you not worried?! He walked in!"

Katsuki slips a shirt on as her face turns red in embarrassment, seeing his junk hanging from between his legs while he slips on a pair of boxers. "Don't care. Can you walk?"

"Uh I think... why wouldn't I be able to?" The red head questions, swinging her legs over the side of the bed. Lightly, she presses the tips of her toes onto the ground and pushes her body up before immediately feeling herself tip forward. "I-!"

Before she could hit the floor, Katsuki grabs her by the waist while her face flushes red in embarrassment as he lifts her into his arms; bridle-styled. "I'm carrying you. Call when you need help out."

He walks her over to the bathtub, gently placing her in as he turns on a warm bath; kissing her forehead gently as he exits the room.


After the nice and relaxing 30 minute bath, Katsuki ignored all areas of privacy and entered with a towel; turning off the water and wrapping her body in it. "Was it fine? You never fucking called me back."

"Sorry, it was so warm and I was tired." She yawns, snuggling into his neck as his face brightens. "What time is it?"

"It's nine in the morning. My old hag made breakfast with my grandmother." He scoffs, knowing that the food would probably pale in comparison to what he could make.

Her stomach lightly grumbles as she giggles into his neck. "Can we eat? I'm hungry..."

"Sure, but you need to get dressed first. So what are you wearing?"

"Uh, the orange striped dress and white flats. We're going on our date today, right?" She questions as he nods, rubbing her hips lightly. "Okay, yeah. That outfit."

"When do you want to go though? Fucking Deku and Pink Cheeks are coming over." Katsuki explains as Eiji slips a bra and underwear on, stepping into the dress she mentioned and slipping on the flats.

"Uh, we can go after they come. What are they coming for?"

"Deku says he has something to ask you." The blonde shrugs, not caring at all for that. "I wasn't going to ask that fucker what he wanted. He's intruding on my space."

"He's our friend. He's never an intruder." She pouts, clasping her bra on and sliding on her underwear before slipping the dress over her hair. "Now do you have a brush? My hair is a mess."

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